Nikon Announces The D750 – The First Full-Frame DSLR With Wi-Fi
Nikon has just announced it’s latest full-frame offering – the D750, which sits between the D610 and the D810 in Nikon’s FX range. According to Nikon this camera is aimed at the ‘adept enthusiast’, but judging by the specs, this is a camera that will easily satisfy most professional shooters too.
Capture nature perfectly with Canon lenses
Photographing nature offers some of the best and most varied opportunities to make beautiful images to hang on your walls, it’s hardly surprising that it’s one of the most popular pursuits in photography. Today I’m going to give you some ideas and inspiration to take your nature photography further, and also recommend some Canon lenses that can help you on your journey.
Preview: The powerful FUJIFILM X-30 compact camera
FUJIFILM has unveiled its high-end, third-generation compact camera. The FUJIFILM X30 promises to bring back the joy of shooting. Highlights include a high-quality CMOS sensor, real-time viewfinder, high capacity battery and dual ring controls.
Choose the Right Lens, Capture the Perfect Wedding Photo
Wedding photography is one of the most rewarding fields in photography, because it offers so many unique opportunities to make powerful and moving images. Today we’re looking at some of the best Canon lenses for capturing images that will bring tears to the eyes of your bride and groom for years to come.
Find The Ideal Canon Lens To Travel
Travelling to new places gives you a chance to practice your photography skills, but if you don’t have the right equipment you might find yourself at a disadvantage. Today we’re looking at three very different lenses from Canon that you might want to consider for your next big trip.
The Sony RX100 M3: Amazing Power In Your Pocket
The RX100 is a high-end point-and-shoot, offering excellent image quality in a small package. It has gained loads of fans and garnered lots of praise for packing enough features to satisfy the most demanding of shooters into the smallest possible space. Today I’m going to take an in-depth look at this pocket rocket, and tell you about the two killer features of the RX100 that really set it apart from the rest.
Review: Canon cameras are a mom’s best friend
My experience with SLR cameras (however ancient) made me the perfect person to try out three of Canon’s latest and greatest DSLR’s – The Canon EOS Rebel SL1, the Canon EOS Rebel T5i, and the Canon EOS 70D. The goal of this test? To get behind the lens of these three for a few days and share the features of these beauties from a mom’s perspective, so you’ll know before you pick it up what it’s best for.
Everything you need to know about your first DSLR camera
So you love photography and you’ve decided you want to push your images to the next level. Maybe you’ve had a point-and-shoot for a few years now and you’ve used it to death. Maybe you’ve found yourself looking at photographs on blogs and in magazines and thought “How can I make my images look that good?” Well chances are those images were made using a DSLR. Today I’m going to look at some of the advantages of the DSLR over the point-and-shoot, and some of the reasons why you might want to make the leap to the world of the DSLR.
5 Tips For Great Zoom Photography
Long-distance photography offers some unique opportunities and perspectives that would otherwise be unavailable to us, and as a technique can help us to create a distinctive style in our photography. Today I’m going to look at some of the scenarios in which you can use long-distance photography effectively and also offer some tips on how to get the most from your long-distance photography.
Share Your Photos Instantly With Wifi Enabled Cameras
One of the hottest new features in camera technology is on-board wireless capabilities, which allow you to download, backup and share your photos without the need to physically connect your camera to a computer. Today I’m going to look a little deeper into the wifi functions currently available and the way various manufacturers are incorporating them into their latest models.