How to monitor your home with smart tech while you travel

We all deserve a vacation. With a smart home, travel virtually anywhere and check-in from a smartphone with live video feeds and more.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Delicious Halloween Night Dishes


Maybe because I’ve always been a fan of a good, old fashioned haunted house and am one of those people who can become unglued by a really scary movie, but Halloween ranks right up there with Christmas as one of my favourite times of year.   I’ve always been slightly envious of people who live in warmer climates during Halloween, because they are almost always guaranteed a nice night for trick or treating and great weather for getting outside and having some scary Halloween fun. But the one great thing about living in a place where the fog and chill sets in around mid-October? You have the opportunity to cook up and really enjoy some delicious hot food to get your Halloween night off to a great start.

Tips for getting the most from your mini projector

Mini projectors are amazing works of technology, but they're not the same as full-sized projectors. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your mini!

How to create a great portrait gift

Portrait photography is a remarkable way to connect personally with your subject. As such, portraits can be some of the most wonderful gifts you can give. If you’re interested in learning how to create better portraits that you can use as gifts, read on.

Drink your coffee and eat it too: coffee recipes to warm...

National Coffee Day makes me think of drinking coffee and coffee recipes, and here's a few great coffee recipes you can try to warm up this fall.

How To Give the Gift of a Smart Home

Today I ponder how to give someone the gift of a smart home. Whether you wish to bestow security, convenience, or energy savings, I've got you covered here.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Easy Dinner Recipes


It’s Easter weekend, and although it might not really feel like spring in Canada the spring activities are kicking into high gear all over the country. Softball, soccer, and other sports are all starting up again after a long winter, and between work, commuting, and all of the household fun that goes into weeknight life you’ll have less time than ever to put together dinner.   That’s why you need easy dinner recipes, and it makes it even easier if those dinner recipes come packaged with an appetizer, main course, and desert. After all, just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat like you have all the time in the world.

How to host the perfect board game night

With board games becoming more and more popular as an option for an evening with your friends, here’s a great way to have a game night with friends that are new to the modern board gaming scene.

The best way to stock a dorm room refrigerator

How do you best stock a dorm room fridge? Here are a few tips you can use to make the most of the space inside your mini fridge.

5 tips to help you prepare for tax season

Everyone’s favourite time of year is fast approaching. That’s right, it’s almost tax time! YAY, soon we’ll be up to our elbows in receipts and tax forms! Ok, who am I kidding, nobody likes tax time (except for the government). But, just as that old saying warns, taxes are as inescapable as that other nasty thing. I suppose all one can ever really do then is take the necessary steps to make the process as painless as possible. Depending on your circumstances, this may well involve a whole lot more than 5 specific steps, but, all the same, today I share a list of 5 key tips (with explanations) that everyone should consider (AND DO) as tax time approaches. So click through and read on to check out the list.