How to switch to an SSD to boost the performance of...
Does your laptop seem a little sluggish? Replacing its hard drive with a solid state drive (SSD) is a big performance win. Even better, the procedure takes just minutes and just about anyone can do it. Here’s how.
Best Cocktail Apps for the Summer
Summer cocktails are so much more enjoying outside on a patio. I’ve discovered two free apps to help you make the perfect beverage.
How to properly store food in a refrigerator’s humidity drawer
What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the words “humidity drawer”? If you’re like me, the answer might be, “Oh, that’s what those things are called!” Humidity drawers, or crispers (because they keep your produce nice and crisp!) are the the drawers at the bottom of your fridge. They’re a nice place to store miscellaneous produce for most of us, but if used correctly, they can extend the life of your produce and keep everything in tip-top shape for as long as possible.
Alcohol flavoured ice cream will spice up your summer: Shelly’s Friday...
If you haven’t tried alcohol flavoured ice cream, this just might your weekend to experiment with your ice cream maker. Just a few tablespoons of scotch, rum, or Bailey’s can add a lot of flavour to a classic dessert.
What you should do if your iPhone’s home button no longer...
As any longtime iPhone owner knows, these slick Apple products are not without their faults. Much like an adorable purebred puppy, Apple iPhones have problems that their phones are prone to developing. The most common of the bunch is a broken home button, but luckily enough, this isn’t an insurmountable problem!
Add some grilled seafood to your weekend BBQ: Shelly’s Friday Favourites
If you’ve already run through your favourite backyard BBQ steak, burger, and hot dog recipes, it’s time to spice things up a bit. Fresh seafood is amazing on the grill, and I’ve got 3 great recipes you can try this weekend.
Recipe: this week try some vegan Persian food
As a child, I was confused when someone of Persian descent claimed to be a vegetarian. It just didn’t make sense to me. Growing up, we survived on BBQed kebobs, from grilled bite-sized steak (barg), to ground meat (kobedeh), to saffron-marinated chicken (joojeh). What else would Persian people eat? So when Best Buy approached me to write a piece on Vegan Persian dishes, I immediately said it was impossible. After all, the cuisine is pretty meat focused. But my Mama Pej knocked some sense into me by asking, “This entire time, you never noticed the vegetarian options at our parties?” I had to admit they existed. But could these dishes be veganized? They sure can. Here are some Persian vegan recipes.
Man Sculpting: How to Grow and Maintain a Beard
There are many different types of beards a man may choose to grow, but one thing they all have in common is the need for a certain amount of care and maintenance. Even if you just want to grow a wild mess of facial hair with no particular style, there are certain things you need to do to keep it (and your skin) as healthy as possible. Today we examine a few of these steps. Click through to take a look.
How to clean a fridge (& how often)
Our refrigerators are where we keep all our perishable food, so it makes sense that they should be kept clean and tidy so food stays fresh and free of bacteria. But do you know how you should clean your fridge and how often? If not, don’t worry, because that’s exactly what I’m here to tell you.
Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Cast iron cooking
Cast iron pans are probably one of the most versatile types of cookware out there. I love that they can be used on the stove top, in the oven, on your BBQ and even on an outside firepit. Read on for some great uses and recipes for your cast iron pan.