Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Create a ‘worldy’ New Year’s Celebration


New Year’s Eve – for millions of people around the world it’s a time of renewal, when everything old is washed away and there’s nothing but fresh new days ahead. But how do you kick off the New Year in a way that will bring the most peace, prosperity, and happiness to both you and your family?   The answer really depends on where you live.  

Teach your teens well: life skills in the home

There are plenty of ways teens can help around the house, learning life skills they'll take with them once they go out on their own.

Tips to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions

The New Year is fast approaching, and resolutions are being made left, right, and centre. If you break your resolutions more often than you make them, then maybe it's time for a motivational push this year. Whether you want to eat healthier, trim down, or spend more time with the kids, you can achieve your goals with a plan and some extra effort.

Gifts that every cook wants in their kitchen

Whether you know someone who is a novice cook or baker or a home pro, there are plenty of gifts for the cook they'll love for the kitchen.

How to make the most of your flashlight on Halloween 

From LED to mini flashlights, find out how to make your night safer and more enjoyable with a Halloween flashlight.

Prepare for the perfect long weekend


What does the long weekend mean to you? For some people a long weekend is an extra day to turn the alarm clock off and sleep in. For others, it’s time to turn off the work computer and turn on the home computer. While it’s great to give your brain a breather and stuff yourself with hot dogs, it’s also the perfect time to gear up, get out there, and do things you’ve been waiting all winter to do.

How to manage your household expenses like a pro

Money – you can’t live with it, you can’t live without it, and it’s all too easy to let it slip through your fingers on a day-to-day basis without even knowing where it’s gone off too. I think it’s a real skill balancing a household budget, and it’s all too easy to slip back into free and easy spending. But if you put a few of these tips into place, you’ll start seeing positive results right away.

Creative Back To School Lunches And Snacks – Shelly’s Friday Favourites


The words ‘Back To School’ can bring about mixed emotions for a lot of parents. On one hand, it’s nice to spend time with the kids in the summer – on the other? It will be absolutely amazing to get them back into a regular routine. But a regular routine means packing lunches, so here’s some creative lunch bag inspiration they’re sure to ‘eat up.’

How to create crafts like a pro

When I was in Grade 3 my mom enrolled me in Ukrainian Cross Stitch lessons. I had always been a creative child, but cross-stitch took my abstract painting and Play-Doh-ing to a whole new level. There’s something inspiring about being able to look at a pile of “stuff” and see something beautiful. It’s almost like being a MacGyver of sorts. Some might see a twig and a glue stick. I see a beautiful centerpiece. The thing is, to craft like a pro you don’t just need the desire to do so, but you need the right tools and an organized space.

Types of baby monitors and choosing the right one for you

Understand the different types of baby monitors and their features, including hack-proof options and movement detection.