How to select a dog house your furry friend will love

Explore how to choose the perfect dog house, balancing function and location. Discover essential features for your pet's comfort and safety.

5 tips for a fun and safe Halloween

Halloween is almost here, and as you prepare for the holiday, consider following these tips that will not only make it fun but also safe.

What to know about adding a kitchen island to your home

Explore the benefits of adding a kitchen island! From design rules to shapes, mobility, and safety,, find your perfect island with Best Buy.

Shelly’s friday favourites has the top 3 diets of the year

If your resolution was to diet this year, you’re not alone. Most people kick off the New Year with a diet plan of some sort, but they might not stick to it because it’s not working. That’s why it’s good to take a look at these top 3 diets as recommended by a panel of health experts, and I’ve got a recipe you can try so you can test each one before committing.

8 great ways to update your home on a budget

There are simple and affordable ways to update your home with everything from decor pieces to accent walls.

Best cooking tool and appliance gifts for novice cooks

Not everyone is a pro home chef, but for those who have expressed interest in learning, these appliance and kitchen tool gifts will delight.

Fall soups and stews: What you need in your kitchen

Get cozy in the kitchen with warm, hearty fall soups and stews. Don't feel like cooking? Try a new multi pot or blender that does it for you.

10 reasons to choose kid-specific furniture for your little ones

Discover 10 key reasons to choose kid-specific furniture, enhancing safety, development, and joy in your child's space.

The best gifts for the perfect host

Show your hosts and hostesses how much you appreciate them entertaining you with the best gifts for the perfect host.

How ENERGY STAR certified products can help you save energy

ENERGY STAR certified products can help you save energy and are available across 80 categories, from appliances to TV, laptops, and more.