Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Easy Dinner Recipes


It’s Easter weekend, and although it might not really feel like spring in Canada the spring activities are kicking into high gear all over the country. Softball, soccer, and other sports are all starting up again after a long winter, and between work, commuting, and all of the household fun that goes into weeknight life you’ll have less time than ever to put together dinner.   That’s why you need easy dinner recipes, and it makes it even easier if those dinner recipes come packaged with an appetizer, main course, and desert. After all, just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat like you have all the time in the world.

Great gifts for your tech loving dad

Most of us Dads (and even our dads) are closet tech nuts, excited over tech, pretty much any tech. 10 years ago, I could’ve cared less about controlling the temperature of my house through my phone, but 2 months ago as I was having a smart thermostat installed, I couldn’t wait. With little things like this in mind, here’s my take on some gadgets that interest me as a first time dad, and might provide you some inspiration for yours less than one week away from Christmas day.

Get emergency prepared at home

Canada is considered to be one of the safest countries in the world, but that doesn’t make us immune to natural hazards like floods, earthquakes, landslides, power outages, or storms. That’s why it’s important to always be prepared for the worst, even if the worst never ends up happening. With a few essentials at the ready, you’ll help minimize the impact an emergency may have on you and your family. 

Gifts that will get everyone excited on Christmas morning

I don’t know about you, but for me, one of the best things about the holidays is selecting gifts for my family that I know will bring a smile to their faces on Christmas morning. But being the daughter-aunt-sister-sister-in-law that always picks the perfect gifts is getting increasingly difficult as the years go by. My parents don’t need anything, and when they want something they just go and buy it. My nieces and nephews are at the age where anything “cool” on their list is likely something Auntie hasn’t heard of. And my brother and sister-in-law, well all they want is to take their four kids to Disneyland, and that’s entirely out of the question. So after a considerable amount of thought, here’s what I chose for them this year – five fantastic gifts that are sure to get anyone excited on Christmas morning.

Three tips to brew better coffee at home

Having the perfectly brewed cup of coffee can help you start your day off on the right foot. Being able to brew your favourite cup at home each day will save you time and money in the long run. Read on for 3 tips to brew better coffee at home.

Kick start your weekend with breakfast smoothies and juices


I watched ‘Fat, sick, and Nearly Dead’ the other day. I honestly didn’t know what to expect from it. I really thought it was something similar to the ‘SuperSize Me’ documentary that had everyone running away from McDonalds.   Turns out, I couldn’t have watched a more timely documentary. This month on Shelly’s Friday Favourites I’ve been talking about smoothies and juicing, and I don’t think you could find more information about the health benefits of juicing anywhere else. I’ve been researching the topic and looking at recipes all month, but that documentary really demonstrated how you could turn your life around with juicing.

8 great ways to update your home on a budget

There are simple and affordable ways to update your home with everything from decor pieces to accent walls.

Gifts to Help Mom Stay at Home in Style

It’s a tough time for all of us, including your mom. If you can't be there in person, show her you care with the perfect Mother's Day gift.

Make the most of a small kitchen


Decorating a small kitchen can be tricky. It doesn’t take long for the countertops to get crowded and for the space to look cluttered. Here are some simple tips to making a small kitchen appear spacious and open!

Easy and delicious summer salads: This week on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

With warmer spring and summer days, who wants to be stuck in the kitchen cooking big meals? One way to make quick, light and delicious meals is to make salads into a meal. Here are some great recipes to please even the picky eaters in your home.