OSIM Massage Chair Review

I visited the OSIM Massage Chair store in Toronto and tested some of their massage chairs and portable massage devices for this review.

Top tips on how to care for your leather sofa

Purchasing a leather sofa isn’t exactly an everyday occurrence. That’s why it’s important to take proper care of it so it stays looking its best for years to come. Not sure where to start? I’ve got you covered with these handy tips.

Tips for setting up the perfect dorm room

It's almost time to head back to school, so let me give you tips for setting up the perfect dorm room.

NEW Nardi Outdoor Furniture – Durability with Style!


    It‘s that time of year again when your thoughts turn to your outdoor space, thinking about entertaining in the back yard, only to realize that your outdoor furniture did not respond well to old man winter.  Rust and mildew have taken their toll.  The cure for this ongoing replacement of seasonal outdoor furnishings is to invest in quality pieces that will stand the test of time and weather. In comes Nardi (coming soon to Best Buy).

Refresh any room with an accent chair

 My partner and I are moving into a new apartment next month, and one of the things that’s been on my mind a lot is how we’re going to change the feeling of the space without having to buy a whole new furniture set. One of my favourite ways to do that is adding an accent chair, and then just tweaking one or two other little things to shift the entire mood of the room.

Create the perfect master bedroom


Create a stylish and relaxing master bedroom with some of our high quality bedroom furniture!

Gifts for someone with a home office

Shopping for gifts for someone with a home office this holiday season? Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

5 furniture ideas that will brighten up any room


 Have you been watching the summer sunshine stream in your window and realized that your home décor is looking a little dull? Brighten up your living space with these five simple furniture ideas!

Nursery ideas on a budget


 Ever sat down and thought about just how expensive it is to raise a child? And a big portion of costs come right at the beginning, when you need to buy all of the necessities to prepare for the new arrival. That includes setting up a nursery. But don’t get overwhelmed. There are plenty of strategies to get the nursery of your dreams on a budget.

How to baby proof bookshelves and dressers

Babyproofing your home is a must with little ones. Today I'm talking about how to best babyproof a dresser and bookshelf.