New baby monitors for 2016

If you’re in the market for a baby monitor you’re in luck: the latest baby monitors connect to your home’s Wi-Fi and can pan, tilt, and zoom in on your baby during the day or at night. Here’s a look at some of the latest baby monitors for 2016.

How to baby proof bookshelves and dressers

Learn about why it's so important to baby proof bookshelves and dressers, and what options are available to keep your child safe.

How to set up the nursery for your baby

Setting up the nursery for baby can be a really fun experiences, but it can also be a scary one. Which colours do you choose? What items are the must-haves? Here's a checklist to help get you started.

Gift ideas for babies and toddlers

Looking for an interesting gift for a baby or toddler that both the child and parents will love? Here are some great gift ideas for babies and toddlers.

Summer Infant has baby products you’ll want to bring home

Summer Infant is a baby brand focused on innovative, safe baby products. Take a look at a few of the baby products Summer Infant has to offer.

Medela Swing Maxi Double Electric Breast Pump Overview

The new Swing Maxi is a portable, compact, and easy-to-use double electric breast pump made to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

New Baby Brands from Bily, North States and Mamas & Papas

New baby brands are coming to Best Buy, including Bily and North States, which make some neat play yard options for both indoor and outdoor use, and Mamas & Papas strollers, car seat adapters, and more.

4 great baby buys to get outside this fall

Fall is here, and although it's getting chilly out there, that doesn't mean you and your baby need to stay inside. Take a look at these four great baby buys for getting you outside this fall.

3 new technologies every parent should not be without

Everyone who has children wants to inundate you with their list of must-have gear. Here are 3 essential tech items that are must-haves for any parent, plus a few honourable mentions.

Top baby gear for summer


 Summer season is just a short week away, and if you’re expecting a new addition or have a little now is a good time to make sure you and baby are well prepared for the weather and all the fun activities and outings summer brings with it.