Add A Little Vega to your day

Vega has a huge selection of proteins and products to help you have a healthy and nutritious day.

Cool gear to stay emergency prepared

 Did you know that ever year in Canada, the first full week of May is Emergency Preparedness Week? I certainly didn’t, but this event couldn’t have come to my attention at a better time. To be honest, I am completely ill prepared for even the most minor of emergency situations, which is why I am going to fully embrace this year’s theme of Plan. Prepare. Be Aware. If you too think it’s time to get­–or beef up–an emergency kit, here is some very cool gear to include that will help you stay prepared.  

Jewelry Pieces to Boost Your Style

Accessorizing is one of the best ways to enhance your style. See how I transform a simple black dress with three jewelry pieces that would suit any outfit.

10 seriously cool dad gifts


 With Father’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re gonna get pops. Here are 10 great gift ideas for every dad out there!

Get your greens with Vega Protein & Greens

Getting enough protein and greens in your diet daily can be daunting, make it easier with Vega's Protein & Greens.

What’s new in Wearable Tech: Fitbit Blaze


Fitbit has emerged as one of the most well-known names in the fitness tracker/wearable market these days. The company offers a range of different devices designed to help you keep on top of things like the number of steps you take in a day, the calories you burn, distances travelled and more. Well, let’s add one more gadget to that growing device list, as we take a first look at the company’s new offering, a smartwatch/fitness tracker combo called The Fitbit Blaze.

Vega Sport Performance Brownie Batter Freezer Fudge recipe

Vega Sport Protein is a versatile, protein-heavy nutritional supplement that'll help you recover from even the toughest of workouts. Here's how to turn it into fudgey goodness in under 20 minutes.

Tech to help you practice better health care

If your New Year resolution is to practice better self care, here are a few way tech can help you take control of your own health care.

What to look for in quality luggage

A few years ago I was bitten by the travel bug, and now I try and get away to new and exciting destinations as often as I can. Throughout my travels, there is one thing that has become very clear–quality luggage is an absolute must no matter where your adventures take you. Here are some tips on what to look for when choosing new luggage.

Gifts for the Fitness Enthusiast

Walk into any convenience, grocery, or drug store and you’ll find no shortage of magazines whose covers feature scantily clad models and celebrities showcasing their rock-hard, oiled up abs alongside a headline that reads something like: “To get this body, all I did was drink more water and cut out sugar!” Well I’m calling on that. Being fit takes work. Hard work. And it’s not necessarily all about obtaining those elusive abs. It’s about being healthy. And that’s why, to me, there is a wide range of “fitness enthusiasts” out there. So, at the risk of offending the people in my life, I’ve created a list of “fitness enthusiast types” and what gift might be a hit for them under the Christmas tree this year.