5 top tips to secure your back to school packages

If you're ordering new tech and you're worried about leaving your back to school packages on your doorstep, here are 5 tips to help.

Best Backpacks with Laptop Space for Back to School

With the academic year quickly approaching, now is the time to consider the best backpacks with laptop space for back to school. If you (or the student in your home) are taking a laptop to school with you this year, you’ll want to find the best possible way of carrying it around. Join me inside for a look at 5 great backpacks with a special section for your laptop. When the time comes to drag your computer between various classes or to and from your home / dorm & school, you’ll be glad you’ve got a proper bag to help you out!  

The rise of the electric scooter: a modern solution for student...

Discover how electric scooters are becoming the top transportation choice for kids and college students, offering fun, convenience, and eco-friendliness.

Top tips for organizing your dorm room

Whether you’re moving abroad, down south, or staying local for school this fall, if your plan involves living on campus, I can guarantee your dorm room will be small. That’s why it is important to think ahead about how you’ll keep your space organized–not just for your sanity and that of your possible roommate, but studies show that an organized space increases productivity and efficiency, which are assets that will definitely come in handy as a student.

Back to school dinner ideas: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Wondering what to make for dinner tonight? Don’t worry; I have you covered. Here are three delicious back to school dinner ideas you can use when you’re in a hurry.

Must-try dorm room lunch recipes: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

When you've got a busy school schedule you don't always make time for lunch, but with these four dorm room lunch recipes, you'll always have something to eat.

Student guide to productivity

Back-to-school can be a chaotic time. That's why it's so important to figure out how to get the most out of your year with a student guide to productivity.

Back to School Smart Phone Accessories Roundup

The back to school season is a tricky time of year. For some it's super exciting, while for others it's seriously stressful. Whichever of these camps you fall into, if you're heading back to school this Fall season, why not enhance the experience by enhancing your smart phone with some exciting new accessories? That's right, it's time yet again for another back to school smart phone accessories roundup. Click through and read on for some extremely useful accessory ideas.

Multi-Purpose Bags Are Perfect For Students With Cameras

Summer is here but as we all know, time flies and pretty soon it'll be back to school Today we're looking at some of the best options for those who like to carry a camera along with everything else they need to get through the school day.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 review: super thin, but awesome display...


Samsung continues to lead everyone but Apple in worldwide tablet sales and it’s not just the sheer number of different models it offers that’s the reason for that (although Samsung does offer a lot of different tablets). The company keeps upping its game and the Galaxy Tab S models are the latest example of this. Samsung sent me Galaxy Tab S 8.4 to try out and I found a lot to like about the company’s thinnest and lightest tablet. Especially that Super AMOLED display. Read on for my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 review.