Christine Persaud
Discover new Samsung AI features
The Discover Samsung Shopping Event takes place at Best Buy stores, educating and introducing shoppers to Samsung's latest AI tech.
Cool beverages for this hot summer
Want to cool down with a delicious beverage? From mixed drinks to sparkling, milkshakes, iced coffee, or refreshing infusion, we have ideas.
Everyday gifts mom will love
Instead of going the traditional flowers and candy route, consider an everyday gift mom will love for Mother's Day this year.
How ENERGY STAR certified products can help you save energy
ENERGY STAR certified products can help you save energy and are available across 80 categories, from appliances to TV, laptops, and more.
The Breville+ app is your gateway to better home cooking
When you purchase select Breville small appliances, you can pair them with the Breville+ app to unlock recipes, guided videos, and more.
Top 2024 scams and how to protect yourself
Chances are, you have been exposed to an online scam of some kind. Best Buy and Geek Squad can help prevent you from being a victim.
Pedal assist vs. throttle assist ebikes
If you have decided to buy an electric bike or ebike, the next question is, should you opt for pedal assist, throttle assist, or both? We break them down.
8 reasons why you need an electric bike
If you have been considering getting an electric bike, here's a rundown of 8 reasons why one would be the best purchase you make this year.
How to choose the right size ebike
Looking for an electric bike? Along with deciding what type and features that are important to you, size is also a critical consideration.
Why choose electric transportation?
Electric transportation has many benefits beyond exercise, offering a fun activity you can do with the whole family, helping reduce fossil fuels, and more