A JS Duo tower heating and cooling fan is perfect for anyone living in Canada. You know the temperature will change outside. You may have noticed it can get too cold sometimes. At other times, it can get too hot. In some parts of the country, you may have experienced both extremes during a single day. Crazy but true! You want your family to be comfortable: not too hot or too cold. The JS Duo tower is the solution. Learn about why below, then enter to win one.

Creating a comfortable temperature in your home easily

A nice wall hanging, or even great wall colour may help make a room feel inviting. Great furniture too can make a huge difference in how much at peace we are in a room. However, those design features are irrelevant if the room is so cold or so hot that you can’t think or read or sleep. And some rooms are easier to get to the right temperature than others. One solution is to hire a contractor to redesign the room, add more insulation, break up a wall to add a window, etc. A simpler solution is to use a JS Duo Tower Fan. It’s slim bladeless design means it will suit any room, taking away very little space, while adding comfort throughout the room so you can enjoy the room.

Which room in your home will get the JS Duo Tower Fan?

You don’t have to decide right now, but put some thought into where you would most likely use the JS Duo fan in your home. In my home, it would go in the living room in the summer, as that room has the most windows and gets the hottest. During the rest of the year, it would go into the spare bedroom, especially if we have guests, because that room gets the coldest. It would ensure that my guests really enjoy their stay. I’d even tell them to put the app on their phone so they can control the fan and heater as they please during the nighttime without even getting out of bed! 

We sent the sample we are giving away in this contest to Lindsey for a detailed review. She tested it in the summer and was impressed with how well it worked and how quiet it is. Read her full review then return here to enter for a chance to win this fan/heater for your home.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in two different ways.

  1. In a comment below this article, tell us in which room you would place this fan in the summer and in which room you would place it in the winter and tell us why.
  2. In a comment below Lindsey’s review of this fan, tell us which feature she mentions in her review is your favourite and why.

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly select one eligible entry to receive the JS DUO 2.0 Ceramic Bladeless Tower Fan HEATING + COOLING Tower Fan sample that had been sent to Lindsey for a review.

This contest runs from Feb 23rd to Mar 9th.

Remember you can enter in two different ways. If you know anyone with guests arriving from out of town over spring break then let them know about this contest so they too can enter and perhaps make their guests’ stay more comfortable.

Win a JS DUO 2 Tower Fan and Heater Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I like how she mentions the compatibility with your smartphone. This would be such a great feature especially if you go away and forget to shut it off, or want to cool the place down, or warm it up before coming home.

  2. I would put it in the living room in the summer because it’s hot in the summer and in the bedroom in the winter as it’s the coldest room.

  3. In the summer I would place this in my kitchen, to keep us cool. In the winter I would place this in my office, it’s a very cold room.

  4. It would go in our bedroom both times. on my side in the summer to keep me cooler and my wife’s side in the winter to keep her warmer

  5. It will be in my bedroom in the summer because it’s where I spend the most time and it will be also in the bedroom for winter because it is also where I spend the most time.

  6. I would keep this in my living room year long as, with the exception of the kitchen/bathroom, it’s the only room without carpeting. It’s also the chilliest room because it’s where the front entrance is.

  7. J’utiliserai le ventilateur dans ma chambre toutes l’année pour être au frais l’été et au chaud l’hiver:)

  8. I would put it in the living room in the summer because it’s hot in the summer and in the bedroom in the winter as it’s the coldest room.

  9. I would use this in the living room year round because we spend the most time there. In the summer the living room gets a lot of sun and it’s too warm while in the winter it’s the most common space that needs to get warmed.

  10. This fan would spend the summer in my living room to keep cool and winter in my basement office to keep warm!

  11. Summer time it’s going in my bedroom to cool me off. Winter time it’s also in my bedroom as the heat from the radiator doesn’t work in my bedroom it’s freezing.

  12. In the bedroom in the summer and in the living room in the winter. My cat approves of these choices!

  13. In the summer i would use this in our kitchen because our stove gives off lots of heat. In the winter i would use this in our living room because it can get cold in that room

  14. In the summer, I would put this in my bedroom where it can get very warm! In the winter, I would put this in the den to keep us cozy as we watch TV.

  15. In the summer, I will put in the office area as it can get quite warm there. In the winter the family room can use some extra warmth.

  16. I think I would place it , in the bedroom, summer and winter. The bedroom is over a garage, so it is cold in the winter, and it need cool air in the summer.

  17. I would use this in my SUNROOM in the summer, as it can get very hot some day. In winter, I would move it to our rec room which is very cool in WINTER.

  18. In the summer I would put it in the living room to cool the room after a day of sunshine and in the winter I would put it in the basement family room for some extra warmth.

  19. I really like the: Sleek space saving design
    It is not an ugly fan like most fans are and can blend in the decor

  20. In the winter, I would put it in the basement, where we spend a majority of our time watching tv and on computers.
    In the summer, I would put it in my bedroom so I can sleep well.

  21. I would use this fan in my home office in the summer, because it’s the hottest room and in the living room in the winter to help warm it up without having to turn the thermostat higher

  22. I would put the fan in my bedroom for the summer to keep cooler and in the basement tv room for the winter for a little extra warmth.

  23. Maybe in the summer I’d put it in the bedroom and in the winter maybe the basement – bedroom needs ventilation and basement needs heat. Thanks

  24. In both, summer and winter, I would put it in the rec room because that’s where my kids spend most of their time.

  25. Given that the JS Duo 2.0 heats and cools, I would leave the fan in the Rec Room year-round because that is where I spend most of my free time.

  26. In the summer I’d place it in the living room because that’s where I spend most of my time, and in the winter I’d put it in my bedroom in order to warm the room up when I sleep.

  27. In the summer I’d place it in the living room because that’s where I spend most of my time, and in the winter I’d put it in my bedroom in order to warm the room up when I sleep.

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