I love the video for Dan Mangan’s song Robots: 2 gangs settle their differences with a robot battle … then the robots actually change the lives of the gang members! Robots do change lives, for adults as much as for children. That’s why we love them. And there are new kinds of robots entering the market each year. Let this contest enlighten you about some of the robots available in 2017, and how they might improve your life, then enter to win one of 5 robots we are giving away. If you win you’ll be creating great robot memories, for you and for the robot, this summer!

What is a robot?

You may be harbouring biases or misconceptions about robots fostered by movies like “Bicentennial Man” or “iRobot.” Fun movies, but they seem to portray the ultimate robot as one that mimics humanity. My view is that the ultimate robot is a machine that acts specifically to make your life better, in a small or a big way, through the use of ingenious design, and intelligent programming code. Any robot that makes my life more fun, or lightens my workload in some predictable way, is one that I can easily love.

Here are 5 robots that need love

It’s a toss-up who will be the big winner of this contest: the people chosen to take home a robot prize, or the robot that will be placed in a loving home. I can’t list the human winners here (not until the contest is over and I have done the random draw, that is) but I can list the “robot winners,” the 5 robots that Best Buy is giving away.

3 OZOBOT Robots: they can detect lines and colours so you can control them with art. A great way to learn programming and have fun at the same time.
Wonder Workshop Wonder Packlearn how to control the robots “Dash” and “Dot” using code and great interactive apps.
Meccano M.A.X: (available later this summer at Best Buy) building on the amazing line on Meccano robots, this was a huge hit at the New York Toy Fair earlier this year and will be a highly coveted robot when it arrives in stores. But we have one for this contest, and it needs a home.


As you can see robots come in many shapes and sizes and each does different things. Our homes will soon have many robots: some for fun, some for doing work … and we’ll love them all. Enter now to bring one into your home this summer.

How to enter

Entering this contest is really simple, but you can only enter once. Leave a comment at the bottom of this article telling us one activity (could be household, work, school, or even play related) you wish robots could do right now. With any luck the next generation of robot designers will be inspired by these comments and start including some of these capabilities in the next generation of robots.

What you can win

At the end of the contest we will randomly choose 5 winners from all eligible comments entered on the blog. Each winner will win one of these prizes: a Meccano M.A.X, an Ozobot Bit White Starter Pack, an Ozobot Black Bit, an Ozobot Evo White, or a Wonder Workshop Wonder Pack. The total value of all of the prizes is approximately $855!

This contest runs from July 28th until August 14th.

Subscribe to the blog so you can get email notifications when new posts and new contests get added to the blog: you will never miss out on another contest!

Win a Robot Rules and Regulations


We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.


… and I’ll end with the immortal, prophetic words of Dan Mangan: and that little voice, in the back of your mind, just wants you to know, just hopes that you know,

Robots need love too.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I wish I had a robot to put stuff away for me and provide it when I need it, if it could have a magical bag of holding that would be even better.

  2. I’d LOVE to have one of these for my classroom! My students would get a kick out of this.
    As far as class goes, I’d love to have a robot that sharpened pencils (a huge distraction in elementary!) and one that could wander around class and gently remind students to stay on task when my back is turned!

  3. Organize a meal plan that’s healthy and cook every meal for me to get me back in shape and to save time on meal prepping for work

  4. If a robot could vacuum my house and wash my toilets, then my life would have more free time to spend with my family members and significant others. I need a Robot personal assistant!

  5. I would love to have a robot that does the laundry, or even one that picks up clutter around the house.

  6. I wish robots could clean my house from top to bottom including dishes washing the windows making beds hanging clothes cleaning bathrooms including toilets Etc

  7. my son wants to make a robot that will clean our house (vacuum, dust, mop floors, clean washrooms, make beds)

  8. I wish robots could follow my children around the house and pick up after them as they blow from one area to the next, leaving a trail of mess everywhere they go!

  9. I wish they could clean the house completely – bathrooms, kitchens, windows etc. Wouldn’t that free up a lot of time for all of us?

  10. Looking forward to a robot being able to clean bathrooms! Bathtub and showers Oh how our family would love to win this contest ! Thanks Best Buy!

  11. I need a robot that is able to do housework! Preferably dishes. Maybe a robot that can help with homework as well? Who knows, possibilities are endless!

  12. I hope that very soon there will be a robot to clean bathrooms. I don’t enjoy cleaning the tub, toilet, mirrors or tiles!

  13. I word love to have a robot that can help keep the house clean. Clean the floors, clean up after the dogs, etc. It would give us a lot more time to spend entertaining the kids.

  14. I wish I had a robot that would clean my house for me while I was at work. Scrub the toilets, put away stuff, vacuum, all the stuff I don’t want to do when I get home from work!

  15. Robots that cook would be sublime. I love cooking but I’m not always in the mood! Imagine a robot that had a list of ingredients in the fridge. It would give you food suggestions based on what you have available, and then chop and prepare it all. Perfect food every time!

  16. THIS WOULD BE AMAZING TO WIN! I am a teacher at an elementary school in a rather low-income area. I have been wanting to start a robotics/coding club at my school but haven’t been able to get the fundings. I’ve introduced coding to my students and they absolutely love it. I would like to eventually get enough resources so that the whole school can benefit. These robots are such a unique learning experience and I would love to share this with the students at my school!

  17. I would love to add a new generation robot to our family go technology go. It would be great to have a robot say happy 150 canada to google home and start a converseation on canadaian history

  18. I wish my robot can be like Rosie on the Jetsons. She can clean, make breakfast, take care of the kids for me 😛

  19. I would like to see a robot be able to go out to the front or back and take a picture or video of motion, assuming there should be no motion where the robot is checking. Or maybe play a game of tic-tac-toe using game pieces on the floor or table.

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