Star Wars toys keep getting better with each new movie. Two years ago, when “The Force Awakens” introduced the cute droid BB-8, Sphero introduced their incredibly accurate working version of the droid. Star Wars toys are an integral aspect of the experience: many of us grew up playing with them. So with a new movie arriving this year, Best Buy will help ensure this tradition continues by giving away almost $4000 worth of Star Wars toys in this contest! Which one are you dying to add to your collection?
Star Wars toys are not just for kids
Star Wars toys were always the coolest thing around. When we were kids they were cool, and nothing has change: kids today still love them. Interestingly, adults still love them too. They are not just for collectors either. I’ve met many adults who either still have Star Wars toys from when they were a kid, or ones they’ve acquired more recently.
I have a shiny silver Millennium Falcon that I think is great. It sits next to my computer at Best Buy’s head office. I used to have this massive tie fighter (shown in the image on the right) at my desk too. Unfortunately, our office was recently rearranged and it had to be moved. If I was to choose one of the newest toys as a replacement it would definitely be the Propel Speeder Bike Drone shown in the image at the top.
Boost your Star Wars collection with one contest entry
Few people have the dedication, and the good fortune, to have a large collection of Star Wars toys. Enter this contest and that will change. We will give away 2 great collections of this year’s new Star Wars toys as shown here:
Sphero R2Q5
Each of these prize packages has intelligent droids, exciting and fun drones, and the just announced, augmented reality wonder: Jedi Challenges—I bet this will be the hottest new toy for Christmas this year!
How to enter
As with all contests on the Best Buy blog, entering is easy. You can enter only once. In a comment below this article, tell us which one of the Star Wars toys in this contest prize is your favourite and why (you must tell us why it’s your favourite).
What you can win
We will randomly choose 2 winners from all eligible entries. One person will be awarded Prize A shown above, and the other will be awarded Prize B. Each prize is worth approximately $1880.
This contest runs from October 20th until November 2nd, 2017.
Remember you can only enter once. With prizes this fantastic, I suggest you increase your chances by telling all of your friends and family to enter too, and propose if any of your win you share the prize! Use the share buttons below to easily post the contest on your social channels.
Good Luck!
I like the The Sphero Star Wars R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid. I will select R2-D2 as my favourite since R2-D2 has always been one of my favourite Star Wars characters. The item looks extremely real and has all realistic movements and sounds.
Lenovo Jedi Challenges…I might be 40, but damn if I don’t want to live out some childhood fantasies wielding a lightsaber.
the storm trooper smart watch.. becaue it’s super cool
The R2-D2. I’m an old school Star Wars fan and when I seen the promo video of the 3rd leg goes up and down I thought Sphero nailed it!
The Sphero R2D2 app-enabled droid would be my favorite as I have always loved R2 since 1977 and I love that the droids can interact with each other!!
UBTECH Star Wars Stormtrooper Robot because having a Stormtrooper to do my bidding would be awesome
SPHERO STAR WARS BB-9E APP-ENABLED DROID is my favourite because i need someone to beep to me.
X wing drone. I’ve been waiting since 1977 to fly my own.
littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit this would be an amazing thing to do with my grandson. He is 8 and loves star wars especially R2D2
I’d go for the Propel X-wing Droid. Who wouldn’t love to fly an x-wing!
Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges VR Headset with Saber & Beacon is my favorite. The why would be ever since i was a kid in the early 1980s i wondered what it would have been like to let go and feel the force flow through me as Luke did on the Falcon
I’d love to win the app enabled R2D2 I grew up on Star Wars and my hubby and I are both huge fans.
The Sphero R2Q5 is my choice.
By far the Lenovo Star Wars Jedi Challenges VR headset is the best and coolest toy! For a family of Star Wars fans, any toy that fulfills the Jedi training fantasy would be ideal!!
I love the speeder bike drone… when I was a boy (at the perfect age of enjoying all 3 originals movies) I bought a speeder bike model. I assembled it and painted it and hung it from the ceiling in my room… it was bad-ass to look at as it was suspended in a descending angle. Anyways.. the new drone kinda brings me back to the good old days
LITTLEBITS STAR WARS DROID INVENTOR KIT…would keep my retired husband busy
Propel Star Wars Speeder Bike Battling Quadcopter Drone
Is my favourite because it’s something I wish I had a kid.
It’s really amazing how far technology has come just since the 1990s
The toy looks great, and didn’t sacrifice looks for the technology.
Wow… what to choose! I think I’d have to go with the lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges! OMG you get to actually do all that in VR! Come on hands down the best item in the list. My daughter would love to be a jedi and have lightsaber battles and play the table top games from Star Wars.
SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID – R2D2 has always been my favorite droid. It would be so nice having one to display in my apartment (and scare off the cat a little bit).
littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit is my favorite as it inspires creativity and hands on learning!
I would love to have a propel speeder bike drone for my son. He has been an avid fan since Star Wars first came out and has many of the original ships, people and even has the blanket, comforter, sheets and curtains. He also has introduced his son to Star Wars and they had their picture taken in Disney World sitting on a speeder bike.
Sphero R2-D2 is my favourite.
I really love what Sphero is doing with robotics and remote control. and R2-D2 was the first Star wars toy I ever had. I lost it when we moved from Peterborough to Pickering. making that move even more traumatic for me as a kid. So there’s definitely a soft spot in my heart for R2. and again I am a sucker for new tech. and shero is doing such fun stuff!
I would love to win the STAR WARS BB8 RC because my daughter and I love BB8 and think he is too cute.
My dream as a kid finnaly possible !
I love the BB-8 smart watch. I’m crazy for techno-gadgets, and this one being Star Wars themed is just the icing on the cake! 🙂
BB8 – RC – the charactor reminds me of our last cat Loki. When we watched the movie, that was all we could think of! All of the items are fantastic!
I’d like to win the Propel Star Wars X-Wing Battling Quadcopter Drone. I want to film a re-creation of the deathstar trench scene from A New Hope.
I’ve always been a staunch supporter of the Rebel Alliance and what they stand for but I’ve always liked the look of the Tie Fighters so to be able to win the Tie Fighter Drone would be unreal!
I would say the BB8 Smart Watch because I could use it and show it off every day.
I would love the UBTECH Stormtrooper because it can recognize faces and it can respond to verbal commands.
The UBTECH Stormtrooper, as a kid anything I ever asked at Christmas was stormtrooper stuff. I had toys, costumes, colouring books all about stormtrooper. As an adult I now have a son I ca share all this with, it would be so awesome for him to have these.
Watching movies with R2-D2 interacting would be so cool. R2-D2 is my fav
I would love the R2-D2 Droid. I had a paper put together R2-D2 that I cherished. It was my greatest accomplishment up to that point in my life, I was 7 years old. Even before that I had a fascination with robots. I went onto creating them from lego to tin cans held together with bolts. Thank you for your consideration.
SPHERO STAR WARS R2-D2 APP-ENABLED DROID is my choice. He was always my favorite droid & having my own R2-D2 would be just too cool.
I love the Augmented Reality toy. I have always wanted to duel as close to real life as possible with a Light Saber. This has to be the coolest thing out there
I’d say the BB8 smart watch is my favourite because it’s orange and I can take pics of all the Star Wars fun. Great conversation piece
I like to win the littleBits Star Wars Droid Inventor Kit because I work with kids and this would be a nice tech tool to practice on with our coding/robotics lunch club.
Sphero R2-D2, always my favorite character.
The Propel Star Wars Speeder Bike Battling Quadcopter Drone. I so loved the chase scene in the movie, and would love to attempt to recreate the chase through the woods!!
The Spin Master Star Wars BB-8 Interactive Droid is my favorite. Would love to watch my daughter playing with this.. I know she would treat it like her new best friend.
R2 D2 App enabled droid. My grandson is the biggest Star Wars fan. I would love to give it to him because I’m his biggest fan.
LITTLEBITS STAR WARS DROID INVENTOR KIT for sure. Combining hands on STEM experience with the fun and appeal of their favourite sci-fi character is a sure hit for the kids in this house! Taking the “Fi” out of the sci-fi and bringing robotics to life 🙂
R2 D2 is a definite favourite. This robot with all of his blooping like noises , the way his short, little body moves along , and his big round eyes blink all add to his personality which makes me love him. His qualities of sense of humour and his smartness , make him seem human-like . He is just so cute !!
The Propel SW X Wing drone looks like a great item. I’ll always remember the first time I saw Star Wars as a kid in the theatres recalling that classic line “Red 5 going in”. This toy makes reliving that memory possible in real time, and rekindles that childlike imagination in all of us.
My favorite – Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges VR. Anything that makes you feel like a real Jedi, that has got to be cool!
UBTECH Star Wars Stormtrooper Robot for sure! I love the stormtrooper so much, a App control robot will be the funniest toy to have!
I would love to win this contest as my husband and son are HUGE fans! They would enjoy many hours of fun together with any of these prizes. I would like the BB-8 more for my son, and R2-D2 for my husband 🙂 Okay, okay, I like them all too!
R2-D2, long time favourite.
The BB-8 Spinmaster Interactive Droid Star Wars toy is awesome and would be the best Star Wars toy in my collection! It is my favourite because it combines old style with the modern droid interactive capability.
I’d love the BB8 RC. My kids would be so thrilled to have their own droid that would follow them around.
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