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Enter for a chance to win an Arlo Essential smart home camera bundle


Article ImageArlo security cameras can help make any home more secure, whether you are home or away from home. The peace of mind you get while you are sleeping is nothing compared to the calm you feel while on holidays, still able to see your home with the app on your phone or tablet. They are a versatile and reliable way to be aware of everything happening near your home. This is especially true of the Arlo camera bundles, like the Essential bundle we are giving away in this contest. Learn more about how this bundle is essential for travellers, then enter for a chance to win one.

Why prowlers don’t like Arlo cameras

Last week, a neighbour posted on our community Facebook page that he had a prowler on his property the previous night. His dog was “yapping like crazy” he said and he saw the back of a dark figure running down his driveway. He had no idea who it was and could not give much of a description. I’m sure this particular prowler didn’t like that this property had a dog. However, they would have really hated if it had Arlo cameras capturing a crystal clear picture on video that could be instantly shared with neighbours and with the police.

The Arlo Essential camera bundle we are giving away gives better security than a dog for many reasons. A dog might bark, which might potentially scare off an intruder (but not always since brazen thieves might not care if a dog is inside the house). However, when the camera suddenly illuminates the area, the natural first thing to do is to look into the light. At that instant the thief knows they have been captured on video, and that video has already been sent to the cloud. There is nothing they can do at that point. Another reason that this bundle is better than a dog is because it comes with four cameras, for equally strong security coverage at multiple sites in or around your home. Lastly, this security is equally strong even if you and your dog are not home. While you are on holidays, your dog may be with a friend or family member. Your cameras, however, are placed at essential locations around your home: they’re wireless so you will move them around as you please inside and outside your home. You can access the footage, and share clear HD video of nasty prowlers, no matter where you are in the world.

Rethink what is essential for your next trip so you don’t forget anything

Forgetting is normal, it’s human—but it’s also frustrating! Preparation is the key to a vacation with everything essential taken care of. Will you be travelling somewhere this spring or summer? Check out our travel buying guide well before you leave to help you prepare. Our intention was to make it broad enough so that it could help as many people as possible. That article has five sections to help you focus on the many things you might want to consider before your next trip. You’ll noticed, that the last section is about home security: often this is the last thing people think about. Hopefully one lasting impact you get from entering this contest, whether you win the Arlo Essential camera bundle prize or not, is that you take care of home security well before your next trip. 

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in three different ways

  1. In a comment below, tell us which one you would rather have, a guard dog, an arlo camera system, or both and explain why.
  2. First visit the Best Buy blog Travel Buying Guide, then return here and in a second comment below this contest article, tell us at least two essential things mentioned in the buying guide that you think most people tend to forget before going on a trip.
  3. Article ImageFor another entry, visit the Arlo Essential camera bundle page at bestbuy.ca and find the “Specifications” section as shown in the image on the right. In an email to bestbuyblog@bestbuycanada.ca, with the subject line Arlo camera contest, tell us what is the missing information in the image here (what should it say instead of the question mark).

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we’ll randomly select one winner from all eligible entries to receive a new Arlo Essential camera bundle with four cameras included.

This contest runs from March 28th until April 11th.

Remember you can enter this contest in three different ways. Do you know anyone who will be travelling soon? Tell them to enter this contest and make a deal with them: if they win, they take two cameras and you take the other two!

Win an Arlo Essential smart home camera bundle Rules and Regulations

Good Luck!

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Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I would choose an Arlo security camera over a guard dog because I am allergic to most dogs .The cameras would provide a better system to show identity of possible criminal activity .

  2. I would rather have the Arlo camera. as it would give me a record of who the prowlers are.It would help protect my property without the expense involved in keeping a guard dog.

  3. Two essential things people tend to forget when they travel are a Travel Power Adapter and a Power Bank.

  4. Definitely Both…. 4 Arlo smart cameras and four Frenchies!
    The security system the cameras provide would ensure the safety of the frenchies!

  5. I would love to have both the Arlo Camera System and a dog – however my puppy is more of a lap dog than anything so the Arlo Camera System would give me an actual sense of security 🙂

  6. By turning the lights on or set on a timer with smart lights, smart locks eliminate the need for spare keys.

  7. Both Arlo and a dog. The Arlo system is great for both early warning and when we’re not home. The dog is yet another deterent to someone breaking in.

  8. Two things I think people tend to forget are travel power adapter and water bottle / travel thermos (collapsible water bottle is great because you can fill the bottle from the faucets in the airport, then pour out any water left, before going through security check).

  9. People forget to maintain a lived-in look while on holiday: make sure someone checks and picks up mail and flyers or newspapers at your front door; put your lights — interior and exterior — on timers so that they go on at different times of the day/night so it looks as if someone is home.

  10. I’d love both. The Arlo camera would be the main guardian of the house, and the dog would be secondary…providing the sound effects.

  11. I;ll Go For the Camera Living in an Apt. Its not Fair having a Dog Closed in. And Keep me Safer.

  12. I would like to have both the arlo camera system and a dog,
    The camera for security and the dog for company

  13. People forget to get someone get their mail while they are away and to turn on timers for their lights.

  14. Rather have the Arlo cameras to watch the whole 360 degrees around the house, dog can’t be everywhere.

  15. I would rather have the Arlo camera system rather than a dog because I would have evidence of any theft and I wouldn’t have to feed it.

  16. Not having someone pick up the mail, clean the steps, and turn a cople different lights on/off each nite

  17. Most travelers tend to forget so et up a lighting on/off schedule and have their mail and newspapers picked up daily.

  18. Much rather have an arlo camera system because it doesn’t sleep, need feeding, need any poop picked up or have to go on walks. Much cheaper in the long run too,

  19. I’d rather have the Arlo camera system instead of a dog. I don’t have to feed, walk, or clean up after the Arlo system.

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