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Whirlpool has you covered in the kitchen

Whirlpool has been a popular brand in household appliances for over 100 years. Their dedication to making appliances innovative yet functional and practical for everyone is inspiring. I love that they are dedicated to making great appliances and also support our world and the environment.   The Whirlpool brand store has made it’s way to Best Buy and hopefully you will find all your appliance needs here when you are on the hunt for something new for your home.

KitchenAid: Precious allies for your kitchen!

My first exposure to a KitchenAid Stand Mixer was on the Food Network, and when I unwrapped one under the tree one year it was like greeting a long lost best friend; one who was going to help me make magic in the kitchen. Years later, I still feel that way, and with all of the new KitchenAid small appliances hitting the shelves of Best Buy, I’m excited to add even more KitchenAid to my kitchen.

Prepare for that great Canadian winter: kitchen and dining room essentials

Last weekend I had a moment. I was sitting on my couch, watching Sunday football, sipping a cup of tea, and flipping through a crockpot recipe book, when it dawned on me that fall has officially arrived. While I’d normally lament the end of my favourite season, we had such a hot summer here on the west coast that I’m actually looking forward to it, and to the prospect of meals that include elements that are actually served hot and not eaten on an uncomfortable chair on my balcony. However, when preparing for a new season, things don’t just “fall” into place—you need to put them there. So to prepare your kitchen and dining room for the chillier season, I’ve put together a list of a few key ingredients you’ll need (see what I did there?).

How I began my farmhouse home renovation: choosing appliances

For the next few weeks I’ll be talking home renovations, and if you’re about to start renovating an older home or move into a house you plan on changing and you’re wondering how the process works, read on. From the planning stages to tips on turning your home into a smart home, I’ve either been there or am in the process of being there, and what I’ve found is that renovations aren’t as scary when you’ve got someone else’s experiences to compare to.

What appliances should I take to my dorm room?

As crazy as it sounds, a new school year is just around the corner. How did that happen? I haven’t even started my New Years resolutions yet! But there’s no getting around it, September will be here before you know it, so if you’re heading off to university this fall, now is the time to start collecting everything you need to make your dorm as comfortable as possible–including these essential dorm room appliances.

My favourite appliances for back to school

There’s a little known fact no one told me about being a parent: when you finally have some dedicated free time, your creativity goes into overdrive. When all my kids go back to school I pull out my favourite appliances and create all of those great dishes I stopped making when it warmed up outside. Read on for my favourite appliances for back to school.

The Internet of Things and appliances

Does your fridge talk to your smartphone and let you know that you’re out of milk or butter? Can your stove turn on wirelessly based on a recipe you’ve created and plugged in? Maybe your washing machine can send you a text if you forgot the fabric softener or your laundry is on the verge of becoming smelly from being left behind? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I’m jealous, but thanks to the Internet of Things, having my very own WiFi enabled appliances isn’t that far off.

Revive your kitchen for summer

Summer is the perfect time to revive your kitchen with a new coat of paint, new appliances or some colourful accessories.  Read on for tips on how you can revive your kitchen this summer.

Have fun teaching your kids how to cook safely in the kitchen

Teaching your kids to cook at a young age has its perks, from getting their help in the kitchen for dinner duties to knowing they will be knowledgeable to eat smart as they get older. Furthermore, it’s a perfect opportunity to bond with your children and learn about their day. You never know, by the time they become teenagers, they could be preparing dinner every night before you even get home from work or while you chill out on the couch. A parent can only dream, right?

Shelly’s Friday Favourites Talks Hot Kitchen Desserts

I’ll admit it: I’ve kind of scoffed at no-bake desserts in the past. It almost seems as though if you can’t put it in the oven, it’s not really dessert. But as I’ve discovered, some desserts don’t have to be labour intensive and time consuming to be really, really good. My kid’s all time favourite dessert actually takes less than 10 minutes to prepare, and I’d be proud to serve it to my foodie friends.