Take care of your heart. At times it may get you in trouble in relationships, but don’t neglect it or take it for granted: that will lead to a whole different kind of trouble! February is heart month, an annual reminder to keep tabs on your ticker and make sure you are doing your best to keep yourself, and therefore, your heart healthy. Join Best Buy, along with Hal and Joanne (from BodyBreak), and representatives from leading health tech manufacturers for a #hearthealth Twitter party. You will learn how to keep that ticker ticking, and you may win some of the $1000 in prizes that will be given away.
Advancements in wireless health technology make it easier than ever before to monitor our heart health. For example, instead of having to take a trip to the pharmacy or doctors office to check your blood pressure, portable blood pressure monitors allow you to check it from the comfort of your own home. Simply attach a portable cuff to your arm then wait as all of the data is sent directly to an app on your smartphone. This enables you to monitor your blood pressure, or even the blood pressure of an elderly loved one, at your own convenience. This data is also great for sharing with loved ones, giving them a clear picture of your heart health.
To highlight some of the new Health Tech products
available, and because we always love hosting a good party, we’re having a #HeartHealth Twitter party on February 24th and giving away over $1,000 worth of prizes! Plus, everyone’s favourite Keep Fit & Have Fun fitness team, Hal & Joanne from Body Break will be joining us sharing their insight and keeping us inspired!
When is the party?Date: Friday February 24th, 2017 Time: 4-5 pm (PT) or 7-8 pm (ET) |
Throughout the Twitter party @BestBuyCanada will be asking a series of 10 questions surrounding #HeartHealth. Our party partners, some of the top brands in heart health technology, Qardio, Withings & iHealth will answer our questions highlighting their products and providing tips on how you can keep a close eye on your heart health.
But we want YOU to answer the questions too and by answering you’re entered and have a chance to win one of three sweet #HeartHealth prize packs.
How to enter:
Entering is really easy and you are permitted to enter up to 10 times. You will need to be online on Twitter on February 24th, then:
- Follow @BestBuyCanada, @getqardio, @iHealthLabsUS & @Withings on Twitter.
- On Feb. 24th between 4 and 5 pm (Pacific Time) answer the #HeartHealth Twitter questions sent by @BestBuyCanada and include the #HeartHealth hashtag in your tweet.
You will automatically be entered once for each question you answer (1 answer for every question = 1 entry into the contest. Answer all 10 questions = 10 entries!)
What you can win:
There are 3 different prizes available to be won (see below for full contest Rules and Regulations).
Prize 1: A $250 Best Buy gift card & a QardioArm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor valued at $129.99 for a total prize value of $379.99!
Prize 2: A $250 Best Buy gift card and a Withings Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor valued at $119.99 for a total prize value of 369.99.
Prize 3: A $250 Best Buy gift card & an iHealth BP7 Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor valued at $99.99 for a total prize value of $349.99.
So join us on February 24th and learn how to keep your heart healthier, and share your insights too. It may motivate you to become healthier, and you may win great prizes (now that’s a win-win situation).
Good Luck!
Hi Ryan and Lana,
the incorrect twitter handles have been fixed—thanks for letting us know. I hope you both enjoy the Twitter party.
@Qardioarm and @ihealthuslabs are not to be found???
@getqardio @iHealthLabsUS
@QardioArm, @iHealthUSLabs don’t seem to exist on Twitter, as written.
@getqardio @iHealthLabsUS
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