To some degree we are all accustomed to just “making do” with what we have at hand to get by. This is especially true when it comes to our home computer monitor. Many of us have old, low resolution, long latency monitors with poor colour definition, and we simply persevere. Well this contest is for all of you who can relate. Best Buy and BenQ are giving away an amazing monitor. Enter below and you may actually win this BenQ SW271 4K monitor!

BenQ monitors are perfect for everyone who deserves a better monitor

Perhaps you haven’t given your monitor much thought, but if your eyes feel strained after a few minutes staring at the screen, or you notice that skin tones seem off, or detect wavering of the image as it adjusts to changes, then you are due for an upgrade. Trust me, the BenQ SW271 will be quite the upgrade!

Over the past couple of years I have sent many BenQ monitors to writers across Canada for an honest review and the reviews are consistently positive. Read the recent review of this SW271 monitor from Steven Hill of British Columbia to see what Steven loved about this monitor when he tested it. He points out how great this monitor is for gaming given its fast response time and crisp 4K image. Importantly, he notes that this monitor is especially suited for professionals working with graphics, photography, or video editing.

Enter this contest and you might win the exact monitor that Steven reviewed.


Entering this contest is easy. In a comment on the blog beneath this article, tell us one thing this monitor can do better than your current monitor. That’s it.


At the end of the contest we will select one winner from all eligible entries to receive the same BenQ SW271 monitor that Steven Hill reviewed.

This contest runs from May 22nd until May 31st.

Remember you can only enter once. However, you can share this contest with someone else you know who deserves a new monitor. Just letting them know you care will make their day!

Good luck!

Win a BenQ monitor Contest Rules and Regulations

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.


Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. It sounds like this 4K Monitor would help to Stop the eye strain that I get with my current Monitor.

  2. My aging eyes could see small numbers and letters much more clearly on the BenQ, than on what I use right now.

  3. This monitor would be ultra exciting for doing my photographic retouching because I’ll be able to enjoy the rich details and feel great working while viewing it; this update will give me extra energy to continue combing away at all the minutia the grind entails.

  4. In his review Steven said he loved the lush, robust colours and the life like image quality. This is much better than my current monitor.

  5. My current keeps blacking out if I’m away from my desk too long and the only way to get the screen back is to restart….very annoying. I’m guessing this one would stay on.

  6. Thank you for another amazing contest, Martin…..

    For this one, I am definitely trying to win for my Dad (just so happens it is/was his birthday today, too (May 23)….so how fitting that would be as well 🙂

    He currently is using TWO “old” moniters (flat screens)…..but they have been causing him some problems here and there, and for him, when he wants to use AUTOCAD for his work and such………having a LARGE monitor with such amazing clarity, etc. like this one is EXACTLY something he has been and is currently looking for.

    I had given him my old 32″ LCD TV when I bought a new TV a couple years ago, but it just isn’t the right “fit” and is also too big for his office and desk.

    So, again, this monitor is PERFECT for what he needs for sure. Sadly, I know he can’t afford something this “fancy” and amazing………….so any chance I (we) can enter fantastic contests like this and have any chance (no matter how slim they are)…….is just wonderful.

    Again, even though I’m entering as “me”………this would be “gifted” to my Dad if I win. He deserves is so much!!! Not only for all he does…..but I know he will get so much use from this with every feature (not just for his work with Autocad and all) but when he watches the occasional movie while working, too. He will be sooooo happy 🙂

    He works from his office all day long and into the evening basically every day of the week…….so yeah, he deserves something really nice like this. 🙂

    Thank you Martin (and Best Buy)………and good luck to all! Really appreciate this chance.


    • Hi Scott,

      good luck to you and your dad (and happy birthday!)

      I hope you are doing well,

  7. i do not have a 4k, we only have 1 tv in the house and its 22″ lol this certainly would be an upgrade for me for sure!

  8. This BenQ monitor looks better and 4k would be a huge upgrade coming from a 10 year old monitor that only does 1024 x 768. Games and Family pics would look much better on this screen:)

  9. The size and picture quality is certainly a vast improvement over my current “vintage” monitor. So simply the quality of experience would be much better with this monitor.

  10. The resolution and clarity would be awesome on a monitor. The vivid colors would make photos, videos and movies look awesome!

  11. this will be wonderful to work with photography AND gaming due to the speed and graphics 🙂

  12. My first flat screen monitor was a BenQ and it was outstanding. Nowdays the technology has improved and I’m sure it would replace my 1080p monitor very well. I would need it to touch up my photos using Photoshop.

  13. I’m sure just about everything since my current monitor is a hand me down from many years ago. The crisp 4K image would be great for watching YouTube.

  14. It’s definitely a better monitor for post-processing colour-corrections for 4K video.

    (Steven is an award-winning writer? Really? In the English language?)

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