I have learned from the many contests we have done in the past year, that there are thousands of Canadians looking for a great new monitor. Best Buy has an awesome selection, including a variety of models from Acer. Take a few moments to read this post and learn about the Acer Predator monitors, then enter to win one from Best Buy. You won’t be disappointed!

Acer Predator Monitors are designed for more than just gaming

I spend hours every day looking at a monitor for work. HOURS! You know what it’s like, I’m sure. Imagine, then if you also stare at a monitor for hours for gaming. Watching the action, vigilant for slight pixel changes to suggest an imminent threat, or a potential advantage, amid changing landscapes, bright flashes, and adrenaline surging movement. Gaming is really the ultimate test of a monitor’s ability to offer crisp blacks, vivid colours, brilliant contrast no matter how quickly or slowly the scene on the screen changes.

I sent out this Acer Predator to blogger Chris Loblaw for an honest review. He has reviewed many monitors, and he’s a gamer, and I know many of our readers value his opinion. There were many things about this monitor that Chris liked:

  • No flashing lights to distract from the image on the screen: some gaming monitors have bright LED lights around the bezel, but not this one.
  • Eye friendly features: blue light reduction and flicker free technology reduce eye strain (YAY!)
  • Effective packaging: I agree with Chris that too many manufacturers these days waste resources by putting more packaging around their product than was needed. Good for the environment and good for all of us.
  • Gaming specific features: fast refresh rate, G-sync technology and more to make even the most demanding game play without screen blurring or image lag.

There is more to his review, but that gives you a sense of how much thought Acer put into their monitor. Chris also points out that it’s a great deal for the price. Of course if you follow the instructions below and enter this contest you may just win the very same Acer Predator monitor that Chris tested.


Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. You may not see your entry appear below immediately so be patient and don’t enter a second time—it will appear eventually. In a comment below you must tell us what you would like to use this monitor for: gaming, movies, business, school, etc. That’s it. If you want to add which feature of this monitor will best help you do that activity, that would be great too.


At the end of the contest, one winner will be selected from all eligible entries to win the Acer Predator monitor shown above, the same one that Chris Loblaw reviewed on the blog.

This contest will run from March 27th until April 9th.

Remember you can only one enter once. Do you know someone else who might want a new monitor? Tell them to enter too; sharing is always the right thing to do.

Good Luck! 

Win an Acer Predator Monitor Contest Rules and Regulations

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I would use it to play some of the games I’ve been buying and not getting around to playing on my substandard monitor!

  2. I would use this monitor to replace my old monitor that is 8 years old and not HD. My movies and gaming would br so much better.

  3. I would love to gift this monitor to my teenage son for gaming. He’s been wanting a new monitor for a while now

  4. I do love it for my masters online program. It will save me lots of time, as the current one I have is old and misbehaving. Thanks

  5. We’d use the monitor for gaming and movies. The crisp, vivid colours on this monitor will be perfect!

  6. Would give to my partner as a present he likes gaming and researching he done alot for me this passed year this be perfect gift for him.

  7. I would love to use this as I start up a new retail store! I seem to always be on the computer setting up something…

  8. I’d use it to make the move to desktop gaming! My phone screen is WAY too small. Also, I like that there are no flashing lights, that’s always annoyed me.

  9. My son’s birthday is coming up soon and money is tight. He is a gamer and this would be a great prize to win.

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