Adding a monitor, like the many types from ASUS, to your home computing environment is the easiest way to boost productivity and make gaming more fun. Going from one monitor to two opens up even more possibilities. So consider what your life will be like if you win this three monitor set up that we are giving away in this contest.

How does adding a monitor change how your work and play

What would you do with more screen real estate? My wife and I were discussing this yesterday as I was making notes for this article. As a teacher tasked with doing online instruction for the first time in her life, she had no trouble seeing the benefits of three monitors. She’d put Zoom on one, for her video interaction during her classes, put her Google Forms assignments and quizzes on another screen, and use the 3rd screen for Microsoft Teams or email depending on which class she had at the time. Rather than flipping from one application to another on the single screen she currently uses, she would have them all right in front making her work so much easier.

Multi monitors are a gamer’s dream environment

I actually sent this contest prize to reviewer Dave Neufeld to test (that’s his photo at the top of this article!). Dave correctly points out that we are chronic multi-taskers (as my wife’s situation above supports) and having extra real estate helps a lot! But he also tested it for gaming and found that this particular set up with three amazing ASUS 27″ VG279QM TUF gaming monitors, connected using the ASUS ROG Bezel-Free Kit to give the illusion of a seamless appearance between each individual monitor is very impressive.

The winner of this contest will get all three monitors and the Bezel-Free kit! Read carefully the rest of this article so you don’t miss out on a chance to win.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy but you can enter only once below and once on Dave’s review article. Yes that is correct you can enter twice in total. In your comment you must state how you will use the extra screen space. Will you dedicate one screen to photoshop, one to email … what will you do with three 27-inch screens in front of you!

What you can win

At the end of this contest I will draw one winner who will receive three ASUS 27″ VG279QM TUF gaming monitors and the ASUS ROG Bezel-Free Kit.

This contest runs from April 3rd until April 20th.

Remember you can enter once below this article and once below Dave review article for a total of two entries (as is usual for our contests, entering more than one comment at each location is not permitted).

Win an ASUS multi monitor set up Contest Rules and Regulations

Good luck

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I would use one screen to game on (or browse the internet), one screen to keep up-to-date with what’s happening on social media, and then one screen to stream video content 🙂

  2. I’d use it for making art and video content more efficiently. I could have one screen used for recording software, another for art software, and the third for screen recordings for any PC footage I’d need.

  3. Like many people, I am working from home now and I am stuck with one small monitor. I would love to be able to have this set-up! I would have one screen for Outlook, one for Excel, and the third for PDFs I have to review. And once the work day is done I’d definitely try some gaming on it

  4. I work in Cinema4d,Photoshop,illustrator,after effects and premiere and constantly have multiple windows open while working and constantly have to tab between them since i only have one monitor. Having these would increase the speed i can work at and also would be awesome for when i game. Example of how id use it would be one for my timeline, one for render preview and the other for effects and animation splines.

  5. I would use this screen to go into my own world when the girlfriend is annoying me. The blocking of peripheral vision would be especially useful to be able to ignore the rolling of eyes, wagging of fingers, etc. This would be especially more useful with the plague going around.

  6. I would actually give this as a “Gift” to my Dad 🙂 …..he currently uses 2 older, different size monitors, and then a 3rd on that is a TV up in the corner as well. So, being able to put everything in front of him in a “clean” setup would be so nice for him 🙂 So, thanks for the opportunity, Best Buy, Martin, and Dave 🙂 Another amazing contest. Good luck everyone!

  7. I like a lot the experience of multiple screens. That being said I would use one for Blender, another for Unity and the last one for mails and YouTube.

  8. As a freelancer I’m always looking for clients and new skills. I’d dedicate one to job search/learning videos, one for Netflix and watching TV shows or movies and one for distractions like Twitter and email!

  9. As a Mixer streamer, I would dedicate space for my gameplay as well as my chat to stay connected and engage with my viewers!

  10. I will use one for e-mail, one for windows, and one for linux. My work productivity will skyrocket!!

  11. As a teacher, I relate to your wife’s description. That would be an absolute dream setup. My wife spends countless hours each in her online course and has been begging for a way to have all her course instruction up while using the multiple Excel files she needs for her assignments. Not to mention, the perfect gaming and streaming setup as I experiment with e-sports for my students.

    Thanks for these great contests.

  12. If i win this prize, i will use them for my home business. One screen to research information online, one screen to manage my social media for my business and the third screen for billings my client.

  13. Would love to work from home with 3 screens. The amount of applications / chat / tools i use day to day would definitely warrant the extra space.

  14. At any given time during a day’s work, I could be doing graphics, touching up photos , and making changes to a web page in tandem. The wide screen would make transitioning from one window to the next so much easier.

  15. for me it would be to play games on one screen and having discord on the other and maybe a movie on the other? 🙂

  16. I am a tax preparer. This view of my files would allow business files and client tax files to all be open at the same time.

  17. Honestly, If I were lucky enough to win this amazing set up, I would surprise my husband with it. He is driving me absolutely insane #stayinghome I am sure he would use one for social media/streaming and 2 for gaming. Thanks for the chance.

  18. In my work in the community I am often tasked with re-entering data sent by members who (for whatever reason) cannot work directly in my database(s). I would set up the left monitor with conferencing software, the center with my database and the right with whatever a member has submitted, in whatever format they submitted it (worst case: a scanned fax of a photocopied handwritten document! 🙂

  19. First screen- email
    Second- would have my charting applications open
    And Third would have charting as well different months to do comparisons.

  20. Working from home would be a dream with these 3 Asus monitors! I can already imagine myself doing all my coding in one screen while seeing the changes in real time on a second screen and with a third screen I could keep an eye on my email inbox without even alt+tab between windows…

  21. In this current situation we are in I would dedicate one screen to Discord for the online DnD campaigns I am a part of. The second screen I would keep for notepad, since I am working on typing out some songs from my songs binder, I’m trying to go all digital with my chord sheets). The third screen I’d probably use for YouTube or something.

  22. 1st monitor for my Xbox X.
    2nd monitor for my OBS and Stream labs.
    3rd monitor for my stream chat.

    3 monitors for content creation 🙂

  23. Hello.
    I work from home as a mental health practitioner. I would use one monitor for viewing clients. The other for social media and the other for my report writing.

  24. This is amazing! I would use one dedicated to my home business, one for social media including facetiming my grandchildren and the third screen for gaming with my kids across Ontario! Wow!! 🙂

  25. I’m a software engineer and a gamer. Even in my office I work on 2 monitors since we have to support the entire office IT infrastructure. I will set these 3 monitors in my home office when I work remotely. Also this will be a perfect setup for my Call of duty gaming which requires a expanded point of view to play better.

  26. I would use one screen for emails, one screen for editing media and one screen for YouTube!

  27. Oh my goodness this looks fantastic. Now that I’m teleworking almost full-time, I could multitask and have webex on one, email on one, and our case management on the other.

  28. What a fabulous prize!! I would use the monitors for work, streaming shows and checking emails and social media!!

  29. I am a Graphic Arts student so this would be great.
    One for my projects and one for my personal stuff thank you

  30. I’d use the extra space for work! I do a lot of document comparison, so this would be very handy!

  31. I would definitely have some type of streaming service going on one of the screens for sure.

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