Review: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo WiiU) [VIDEO]


One of Nintendo’s oldest bad guy turned good stories is back for its first spin on the Nintendo WiiU!  Donkey Kong, the one time maniacal girlfriend stealing gorilla retired to his Island Paradise in 1994, and with his new found heroism has launches one of Nintendo’s best-selling gaming franchises.  20 years after the first one came out, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has landed, bringing with it some old faces, new tricks and a world where pirate penguins and owls pick on our jungle friends.  Come check out my review of the latest edition of the franchise and see if it’s a worthy pickup for your Nintendo WiiU collection.

A Sony Playstation Exclusive Triple Play!


With two HD remasters and a Vita exclusive, Sony is representing the month of February with a Trio of console exclusives. The PS Vita wins with a double helping with the giant demon hunting Toukiden: The Age of Demons, and murder mystery Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Tales of Symphonia Chronicles rounds it out, packaging two ‘Tales’ games and treating them to the full HD face lift.

Fable: Anniversary


Fable was a big deal ten years ago, and like Bungie’s “Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary” before it, its makers decided to bring the landmark title lovingly back. More than a simple reskinning, Fable: Anniversary is a ‘ground up’ remastering of “Fable: The Lost Chapters”, and a delightful return to Albion. 

Review: Bravely Default [Nintendo 3DS]


What has been one of the most anticipated RPG launches since its debut in Japan in 2012, Bravely Default is a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, and a kickback to longtime RPG gamers, bringing back elements we’ve not seen for a long time (like job designations.)  With numerous gameplay options and difficulties, and one of the best blended Streetpass systems for the 3DS yet, is this one for the ages?  Read on to find out.

Review: Titanfall Controller [XBox One]


Titanfall is hoping to take multiplayer gaming to the next level, and become a huge win for Microsoft’s gaming systems, especially the XBox One.  On March 11th, you’ll get to see if the wait was worth it firsthand, and you’ll get the chance to do it in style too with the special limited edition XBox One controller.  Click on to take an up close and personal look at the controller, which is coming soon to Best Buy.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition


You can’t have a Tomb Raider party and not invite the next generation to join in the fun!  Thats what Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is all about, putting in the High Definition. One of 2013s gaming highlights, Tomb Raider was a reboot as they should be, great story, great gameplay, and bringing an old character into a new era, and now a new generation too!  For you folks with the Xbox One or Playstation 4, this tomb raiding adventure has been sharpened, honed, and nicely quaffed (it’s a hair joke, you’ll get it once you’ve read the article).