Top Toys For 2014
Game Room Essentials – How To Play Darts
Telescope 101
Arts, Crafts, Fun & Games With Melissa & Doug
MOSS Zombonitron 1600 reviewed: a magnetic robotic kit
Review: Sphero’s Ollie spins circles around its Robot competitors
For the most part, many of the iOS based toys nowadays have potential, but are very limited to what they can do. The Parrot Mini-Drones for example were fun, but not that expansive in ability. They both also cost more than the Sphero Ollie, a brand new challenger into the fold. Ollie comes from the same science and physics loving minds behind the Sphero and promises to continue branching fun and physics at an affordable price. You know what? It’s great fun too. Come check out the Sphero Ollie.
HUNKA JUNK: J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars Clip Has the Web Buzzing
There’s a huge mass of Star Wars geeks out there (myself included) watching every move Disney and J.J Abrams make as a new crop of Star Wars releases draws ever closer. If there’s one thing guaranteed to get the attention of these Star Wars fans, it’s a peek at what Abrams is working on. And if there’s one thing guaranteed to get pop culture geeks in general in a froth, it’s a mash-up between franchises. J.J. Abrams just managed both in one shot with his HUNKA JUNK YouTube clip of the new Millennium Falcon from his forthcoming Star Wars film—with a very unexpected Easter egg.
Leapfrog Leappad 3: Learn while having fun
Make learning fun with the new LeapPad3 from Leap Frog! This week I had the opportunity to try the LeapPad3 and a variety of games from the Leap Frog Learning Library, and here’s what I thought:
Dancing on the ground, in the air and on the ceiling...
I think there are few people out there that enjoy spiders, whether they be the flying or crawling kind. Parrot’s Rolling Spider is one that doesn’t have 8 legs, but is a miniature quad-copter with detachable wheels. It’s a breeze to set up and play with, and can even land itself without worrying about clumsy timing! Come check out this small yet imaginative device!
Binoculars and telescopes that bring the heavens to your doorstep
Get some celestial tech help to witness the show in the heavens. Find out what to look for in binoculars and telescopes that can bring the heavenly bodies to your doorstep.