Save power, save money with smart home technology: Part 2

Are you tired of high household energy bills? Sure, you could cancel all your utilities and live like Henry David Thoreau in a log cabin by a pond somewhere, but then how would you keep up with what’s happening on Walking Dead or The Voice? No, today, thanks to some nifty gadgets, you can still live in a modern household and save power with smarthome technology, and we’re going to show you how.

Here are some ways to make a smart home

Anyone can make a smart home. You just need the right gear. Here's how to make a smart home from scratch.

Setting up a Smart Home Series Part 4: Saving Money and...

In the final installment of the “Setting up a Smart Home” series, we’re going to take a look at turning your smart home into a daily money saver through the use of smart thermostats. While you can save a few bucks here and there by turning the heat down once in a while, smart thermostats can help you put an actual system together so that you don’t have to do as much guesswork. Some adapt to your heating needs while some use your current location to set away settings. There’s one that even compares your power usage to your own city’s current energy prices to sell you what you’re saving in Near Real Time. Find out more about these thermostats by reading onward.