Essential guitar gear guide: Top accessories every guitarist should own

Discover must-have guitar gear, from capos to straps. Dive into top accessory picks, expert tips, and elevate your playing experience.

Zoom H4n Pro is more than simply an audio recorder

Equally adept as a field recorder or an audio interface, the ZOOM H4n Pro is versatile wherever you might need it.

Band Instruments at Best Buy

The musical instrument selection at Best Buy has grown yet again and this time, it’s expanded into the band instrument realm. A selection of entry-level brass and woodwind instruments have arrived for the budding musician in you or your family.    

Focusrite Scarlett SOLO and 2i2 3rd-generation audio interfaces review

Focusrite's Scarlett SOLO and Scarlett 2i2 3rd-generation audio interfaces are excellent for beginners, singer-songwriters, and podcasters. Check out their fun new features.

Fender BLUES Junior. the name says it all.

When it comes to playing blues guitar, the Fender brand is almost synonymous with the genre. From the Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Stratocaster to Muddy Water’s Telecaster, the Fender guitar is as a part of the sound of modern blues as the techniques currently employed by Fender players like John Mayer, Eric Clapton, and Bonnie Raitt . The guitar isn’t alone either as Fender amplifiers have long been a part of this history. The Fender Champ, Twin, Bassman, Super Reverb, and Deluxe reverb are all in the Pantheon of blues amplification and are saving a spot for the all tube Fender Blues Junior which will be looked at in this blog.

NAMM 2016: Hercules’ latest DJ controller and software are a great...


We are all familiar with the iconic DJ scratching away on vinyl, as the art of turntablism grew these DJ would create more complex routines using just vinyl records, turntables and a mixer. Over time with the move away from vinyl to digital, all these complex mixing routines have now moved onto the computer, to be controlled via DJ controllers. One of the big names in digital DJ controllers is Hercules and this year at NAMM 2016 they had some new hardware to show off, the Hercules P32 DJ controller and the DJUCED 40 3.0 software. 

Guitar accessories for your live performances

A guitar and an amplifier, while clearly the most important ingredients in live performing, are but two of the components in this stew. While recipes differ from player to player, this is the core set of requirements that live players require as well as those extra little things that while not requisite, are certainly appreciated. In this blog I will go over some of the accessories that can make your performance truly shine by relieving stress and providing a helping hand when one is needed.

Kramer Focus VT-211S Electric Guitar review

Kramer has come a long way from its 80's pointy-guitar roots. The VT-211S is an awesome vintage inspired guitar that will surely interest a wide-variety of guitarists.

Jasmine JC-23 classical guitar review

Smaller classical guitars are an excellent place to start for children that want to learn to play. The Jasmine JC-23 is such an instrument and features soft nylon strings for a comfortable playing experience.

How to introduce your child to music

Introducing your child to music shouldn't be a difficult undertaking. I've gathered some ideas to help you get them started on their musical journey.