Enter for a chance to win a Casio CDP-S350 Digital...

Begin a musical journey with a new instrument like the Casio CDP-S350 digital piano Best Buy is giving away in this contest.

Who’s the Boss? – DM-2W Delay and SD-1W Super Overdrive Pedals

Boss answers the boutique pedal manufacturers by releasing 2 new (old) pedals under their WAZA Craft branding that retain their original analogue warmth while adding some nifty new features. The Boss DM-2W Delay and the Boss SD-1W Super Overdrive are re-imagined for the modern guitarist. In this blog I will talk about their hallowed predecessors, compare them to this new iteration, and put them through their paces to see how kind time has been.

How to maintain and care for your guitar

A large part of guitar maintenance can be done from home. Here are some tips to help you get started caring for your guitars!

Casio Resurrects the CZ-101

I’m going to be showing my age here, but I was in high school when the CZ-101 was introduced in hardware form. It was one of those little synths that you could easily pass off as a toy, but packed a lot of punch and eventually proved to be one of the iconic “retro” synths that are in demand decades later.

Review: 2 beautiful ESP electric guitars [VIDEO]!

Notions of vanity aside, if Shakespeare were alive today I believe that he’s be a guitar player and he’d agree with me that ESP makes some of the most aesthetically pleasing guitars in the world. That is only part of the equation, however, as the playability and tones produced are virtually unrivalled. In this blog I take a look at the ESP USA Eclipse and the ESP E-II M-II. Beauties indeed.

Korg PitchCrow-G Clip-On Guitar Tuner review

A tuner is an essential tool. Guitarists and bassists are lucky to have access to clip-on models, such as the excellent Korg PitchCrow-G.

NAMM 2014: Things that made you go Hmmmm….


The trip to NAMM this year was packed! I thought I’d write a post of some things that personally caught my eye in a head-scratching way. My francophone counterpart, Marc-Andre and I walked dozens of kilometers over the past four days.    Here’s a few of the things that made me go hmmm …   (including the 24 string bass guitar shown here!)

NAMM 2021: Top ten new music tech

Although NAMM wasn't in person this year, the Believe in Music Week was a success, and a lot of new products were revealed virtually. Here are some of the most notable ones.

Roland AeroCaster Livestreaming System review

Roland's AeroCaster harnesses the power of your iPad to get you streaming wirelessly with multiple mobile devices in no time.

Introduction to recording electric guitar

Recording electric guitar is a lot of fun. Nowadays, there are many methods available to us, some of them not even requiring microphones!