The Best Free Cooking Apps to Turn You into a Pro...


   When Pinterest came out, I was fascinated by the beautiful recipes. However, while their dishes are pretty to look at, there is no way I could replicate them without food styling. That’s why I’ve almost abandoned Pinterest and have started using apps again: following one cooking influencer is much simpler than doing a random Google/Pinterest search. Here are two free apps to turn you into a culinary pro.

5 easy recipes for weekend camping trips


Car camping is a great way to get away for the weekend, and if you bring along a propane stove and some cookware, you can try these great camp trip recipes.

Best Cocktail Apps for the Summer


 Summer cocktails are so much more enjoying outside on a patio. I’ve discovered two free apps to help you make the perfect beverage. 

Alcohol flavoured ice cream will spice up your summer: Shelly’s Friday...


 If you haven’t tried alcohol flavoured ice cream, this just might your weekend to experiment with your ice cream maker. Just a few tablespoons of scotch, rum, or Bailey’s can add a lot of flavour to a classic dessert.

Add some grilled seafood to your weekend BBQ: Shelly’s Friday Favourites


If you’ve already run through your favourite backyard BBQ steak, burger, and hot dog recipes, it’s time to spice things up a bit. Fresh seafood is amazing on the grill, and I’ve got 3 great recipes you can try this weekend.

Recipe: this week try some vegan Persian food


As a child, I was confused when someone of Persian descent claimed to be a vegetarian. It just didn’t make sense to me. Growing up, we survived on BBQed kebobs, from grilled bite-sized steak (barg), to ground meat (kobedeh), to saffron-marinated chicken (joojeh). What else would Persian people eat? So when Best Buy approached me to write a piece on Vegan Persian dishes, I immediately said it was impossible. After all, the cuisine is pretty meat focused. But my Mama Pej knocked some sense into me by asking, “This entire time, you never noticed the vegetarian options at our parties?” I had to admit they existed. But could these dishes be veganized? They sure can. Here are some Persian vegan recipes.  

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Cast iron cooking


 Cast iron pans are probably one of the most versatile types of cookware out there. I love that they can be used on the stove top, in the oven, on your BBQ and even on an outside firepit. Read on for some great uses and recipes for your cast iron pan.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Summer Salads as a Meal

 You can prepare delicious side salads to go with any vegan BBQ. Or you can serve a hearty salad as a meal, by loading it up with lots of different proteins (just not meat, chicken, or fish) and other ingredients such as quinoa and rice.

How to Create an Epic Vegan BBQ

 I like to host parties, but I’m realizing that I have to add vegan options to the appetizers I serve. Since summer calls for BBQ, here are some vegan recipes that will earn star status on the grill.  

Cool off with icebox cakes: Shelly’s Friday Favourites

It feels like its turned into sunscreen and flipflop weather practically overnight, and with temps predicted to rise over the weekend, I’ve had to get creative in the baking department. Thankfully I don’t have to turn on my oven to create a great dessert. Icebox cakes are a no-bake treat that’s been around since World War I, and here are three delicious, classic recipes you can try yourself this weekend.