Review: Netgear Nighthawk X8 AC5300 router is a beast for those...

 Comparing a router to a muscle car probably wouldn’t seem like an apt analogy, but in the Nighthawk X8, Netgear has built a unit that is designed to roar with power. Outfitted with a variety of features and unique hardware connections, this is a router aimed at users who know their home networking situation and want to raise it to another level.

Good, better and best tech solutions for your home office

 A few weeks ago, I wrote a post making the case for a PC, router and smartphone being the three most important technologies for your home office. Today, it’s time to get down to specifics, with good, better and best options in each of these categories.

Introducing the Alienware Alpha Gaming PC

 Get the power and versatility of PC gaming with the convenience of a console with Alienware’s Alpha Gaming PC. Powerful hardware and SteamOS come together in a desktop PC that’s built to be the ultimate video game solution.

The many benefits of upgrading to a new computer monitor

 Looking for a way to kickstart your PC experience? Don’t overlook the monitor. One of the easiest components of your computer to replace, it also delivers a big “bang for the buck” upgrade experience. And that’s not just limited a pretty picture. I’ve put together a list of ways a new monitor can boost your overall PC experience.

Tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts

     Hacking into mobile accounts is all over the news these days, with either cyber criminals compromising consumer data, or the FBI wanting to break into criminals’ phones for evidence. Security is on everyone’s minds and you should be thinking about it, too. Your first line of defence for any mobile account, of course, is a solid and strong password. So, stop using “password” or your cat’s name, and read on for a few tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts.

Review: Samsung CF391 32″ Curved Monitor [Video]

 Curved monitors promise to ease the eye-strain and deliver a more enhanced gaming experience on your PC. Some people are not sure about how well curved monitors actually work, so make sure you read on to find out Syd Bolton’s experience with the Samsung CF391 32″ monitor and watch the included video to help make your own conclusions.

A Tablet Buyer’s Guide Using Four Essential Questions

Thinking about buying a tablet and wondering where to start? Before you start researching specs and prices, answer these four simple questions to get a better idea of what tablet might be best for you.  

Why running a home-based business is easier now than ever

 Are you looking to start a home-based business, but are worried about what it all entails, and more importantly, how much it will cost? While once it may have been quite an investment to create your own work environment in your abode, today, thanks to better and more inexpensive tech, running a home-based business is easier now than ever.

Enhanced PC Gaming: Learn more about controllers

Gaming controllers have a rich history from the early joysticks on the Atari 2600 to the more sophisticated gaming flight controllers used on modern PCs. In this article we look at a brief history of controllers, find out how some innovations came out much earlier than you likely thought, and find out what controllers are some of the best to get today for the best gaming experience on your PC.

Lenovo Miix 700 review

Looking for a convertible 2-in-1 device that will cover off both your tablet and Windows laptop needs? Microsoft kickstarted this growing segment with the Surface tablets, but competition is heating up. Lenovo’s Miix 700 is one of the newest entries and I just wrapped up a week with it. Here’s what you need to know.