Dell XPS 15: full-sized premium laptop with Quad HD+ resolution

Yesterday I posted details about Dell’s award-winning XPS 13 Ultrabook. It’s a great little ultraportable with a beautiful display. What if you want a premium Windows notebook with that same Quad HD+ resolution, but a 13-inch display is just too small? No worries, Dell also released the XPS 15, a full-sized, premium laptop that boasts a fantastic 3200 x 1800 touchscreen display.

HTC One M9 ready for pre-order

Samsung’s Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge stole much of the spotlight at Mobile World Congress 2015, but there was another big Android smartphone reveal that has people talking. HTC unveiled the successor to its popular One M8 flagship smartphone, the HTC One M9. The beautiful aluminum design, BoomSound speakers and everything else that made the One M8 such a great smartphone remain, while the few complaints from users have been addressed in the new model. Now the wait is over, the HTC One M9 is available for pre-order in Best Buy stores as of today.

XPS 13: Dell’s hot new ultraportable available now

One of the hottest new laptops at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show was the Dell XPS 13. Even now, three months after CES, the XPS 13 is still in the spotlight, frequently referred to as one of the great laptops of 2015 and Dell’s MacBook Air killer. With the XPS 13 now available at Best Buy, it’s worth taking a deep dive to learn what all the fuss is about.

Getting my Party on with Mario and Friends in Vancouver

The latest Mario Party for the Nintendo Wii U has just hit shelves, and to celebrate, Nintendo has had a few nationwide demo events for Mario Party 10!  I had the chance to attend one of the West Coast events, and check out my initial thoughts of the game, along with a look at the new amiibo!

LG’s NEW Lineup of LED TVs

I love checking out the latest technology, and recently had a chance to get a preliminary view of a new line of TVs that LG is releasing in the next few weeks. Because the big brands like LG already have extremely good TVs, the improvements with each new generation are pretty subtle. Here’s a sneak peak of their newest TVs yet to hit the streets.

Pre-Order Mad Max for a Ripper of a Bonus!

At some point or another, I’m sure every one of us born before 1990 have seen at least one of the Mad Max movies (or at least seen snippets of it.)  They aren’t going to be remembered as the best movies of all time, but I’d say they’re pretty significant to the cinephiles.  September 1st, 2015 is the long awaited release date of Mad Max.  Following some platform release changes (more in the article on that,) you’ll finally get to see what Avalanche Studios has been working on the past few years.  You’re also being set up with a pretty sweet Pre-Order bonus if you get in early. Read on to find out more!

Mobile World Congress (MWC 2015): The Big Trends

March 5th marked the final day of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. While most of the splashy announcements (like that Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge) took place early in the week, through the rest of the show some definite trends became clear. And given that MWC 2015 is the world’s biggest exhibition of mobile technology, trends there are likely to set the pattern for what we see here in terms of smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other mobile gear throughout this year.

Mobile World Congress (MWC 2015) day one wrap

Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is the world’s biggest event for mobile technology. Want to know what smartphones will be the “must have” devices this year? Look to the MWC 2015 reveals to find out. Monday was officially the first day of the conference (it runs until March 5), but there were some major media events on Sunday, too. Here’s what you need to know after the first full day of Mobile World Congress.

Samsung makes a big announcement at the World Mobile Conference

Mobile World Congress officially starts on Monday, but the biggest, most highly anticipated reveal of the show took place at a special Samsung event on Sunday. The Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge are now official. Here’s what you need to know about Samsung’s two new flagship smartphones.  

It’s Pebble Time!

2015 is living up to expectations as an exciting time for smartwatch fans. We’re seeing Android Wear smartwatches hit their stride, the Apple Watch is due out in a matter of weeks and now Pebble—the company that really helped kick off the whole thing—is back with an exciting new model. Pebble Time was just announced, offering everything we love about the original Pebble and Pebble Steel (including that amazing battery life), while adding a colour display!