Home Authors Posts by Rae Chen

Rae Chen

Rae Chen
Rae covers everything from air fryers to speakers here on the Best Buy Blog. Their work can also be found at thenotice.net, where they've been writing about beauty & wellness since 2007.

What’s new at Best Buy: great selection of Burton Bags for Spring

I have had my backpack for long enough that I can’t actually remember the backpack that came before it. This one has seen me through summer vacations, weekend getaways, and—most importantly—through trips to my hometown’s biggest dog park. (It’s so big that the North Saskatchewan River runs through it, and in the summer the river is full of puppies.)  My bag is a Burton bag.

What’s new at Best Buy: great selection of Burton Bags for Spring


I have had my backpack for long enough that I can’t actually remember the backpack that came before it. This one has seen me through summer vacations, weekend getaways, and—most importantly—through trips to my hometown’s biggest dog park. (It’s so big that the North Saskatchewan River runs through it, and in the summer the river is full of puppies.)  My bag is a Burton bag.

Fashionable tablet cases by Kate and Jack Spade

Last month on the Plug-In Blog, I had the chance to chat about my 10 top fashionable smartphone cases for him & her. (If you're looking for last-minute gift ideas or stocking stuffers, definitely check out that article!) Smartphones, however, aren't the only thing that do well when covered in a dashing new case!

A brief history of instant photography

Did you know that you’re not supposed to shake a Polaroid as it dries? Yup, it’s true! Despite what you see in the movies, waving around a modern Polaroid does nothing to help it develop, and it can actually cause blobs in the image if you wave it around too aggressively.

Best Gifts of 2015 – Jewelry gifts for him

During the holidays, everyone seems to focus on the perfect jewelry gift for her. But what about the other half of that equation? Doesn’t the Mr. who’s been good all year long deserve something shiny this winter, too?

Best Gifts of 2015 – Jewelry gifts for her

As a style writer, I’ve fallen into the mental rut of “EVERY big occasion is a great occasion for jewelry,” but this time, I am definitely, definitely right about it. There’s no better time of year to celebrate the woman in your life with something sparkly than the holidays, and there’s no better way to do it than with something lasting!

Choose a stylish gift for her this holiday season

When it comes to picking gifts during the holiday season, it’s a struggle to track down even the category of gift that’s going to be just-right for someone, much less the specific item. Here’s a little guide to help you get started on finding the perfect present for the fashionista in your life, right here at Best Buy.    

Announcing Fossil bags designed for today’s women

This month marks a pretty great month at Best Buy: it’s November, so the holiday season is really starting to gear up, and (even better), this is the month that Best Buy is beginning to carry Fossil brand items.  

Travel in style this fall

Choosing a new luggage set is kind of like choosing a new boyfriend: you want something cute, but the right kind of cute; sturdy, but the right kind of sturdy, and cutting-edge, but not confusingly cutting-edge. We at the Plug-in Blog can’t help you chose a life partner, but I can certainly help you with picking out the perfect set of luggage to accompany you on your fall/winter getaways!

How to pick the perfect back-to-school smartphone or tablet case

The kids’ backpacks are packed, their lunches are planned, and you’ve argued out who’s going to be taking the kids to their first day back … but there’s always something that gets forgotten.   I have a cousin who had a tendency to leave his toothbrushes and shoes (how???!) behind when he was a kid, like a travelling Hansel & Gretel, but in August, it’s way more likely that you’ve forgotten something far less dire. Like, say, to update the kids’ (and your own!) phone and tablet cases for back-to-school.