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Shelly Wutke

Shelly Wutke
Editor TV & Home Theatre
I'm a Vancouver freelancer and tech enthusiast. When I'm not writing you'll find me on my farm with my alpacas, chickens, and honeybees. Visit my website Survivemag

Home renovation part 3: living in a tiny house

Six is a crowd in a small house, and now that we’re living in a tiny home, I’ve had to come up with some creative storage solutions to make everything fit. Take a look at some of my tiny home recommendations.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites whips up a DIY Pumpkin Spice Latte

Making your own Pumpkin Spice Latte is not hard to do. I’m not sure what the secret ingredients are in a Pumpkin Spice Latte from your favourite coffee shop, but when you make them yourself you can choose what you put into them and what you don’t.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites raids the garden for back to school dinner recipes you have to try

I love fall: the leaves falling from the trees, the crisp, fresh air, and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes back in the stores. After this long, hot summer we’ve had with very little rain, I was so happy to turn the page to September. The one thing I’ve really been looking forward to is getting back into my cooking routine. We’ve been eating so casually for so long because of our home reno and the heat, I literally can’t wait to make a huge meal. What I’m not interested in is doing a lot of dishes, and that’s why I’ve been sourcing out some great one-pot meals for everyone to try.

Home Renovation Part 2: creating a smart home

When it comes to basic home renovations, I was always told to hope for the best but expect the worst. That may be true when it comes to renovating a kitchen in a 10-year-old house or even doing a major overhaul on a house that’s 20 or 30 years old, but when you decide to crack open a house that’s 100 years old, all you can do is hope for OK and expect a lot of trouble.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites fuels your kids for back to school

Getting back on a schedule, making sure the kids have enough to eat, and making sure it’s healthy is a lot to take on for any parent, but there are a few recipes you can use to ensure you’re on track every day. The bit of extra time you’ll spend preparing them instead of grabbing a granola bar from the store will work out in the wash, because you’ll spend that much less time feeling guilty for what you’re kids are eating.  

What’s new at Best Buy for September?

September: a time of the year when one chapter closes and a new one begins. That’s why there is no better time to take a look and see what’s on the shelves of Best Buy for September!

How I began my farmhouse home renovation: choosing appliances

For the next few weeks I’ll be talking home renovations, and if you’re about to start renovating an older home or move into a house you plan on changing and you’re wondering how the process works, read on. From the planning stages to tips on turning your home into a smart home, I’ve either been there or am in the process of being there, and what I’ve found is that renovations aren’t as scary when you’ve got someone else’s experiences to compare to.

Back to school checklist

Although it’s not time to pack up the sunscreen just yet, back to school has officially kicked off and it’s time to start prepping backpacks, lunch kits, and packing up your school supplies. Here’s a checklist of everything you’ll need if you’re headed to the dorm or your first apartment.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites has a few ideas for back to school lunches

Like it or not, there’s no denying that back to school has arrived once again. Wasn’t it just yesterday we were all celebrating not having to come up with another lunch for kids who were sick of the ‘same old, same old?’ I know by the end of June I was ready to pull my hair out because my kids were sick of everything, but now that I’ve had some time away from the daily lunch grind, I’ve got some great ideas for back to school lunches. 

Review: enjoy the silence with Bose Q20 in-ear headphones

Sound or silence? You don’t usually have much control over how loud your world is going to be. Until I tried a pair of Bose QuietComfort 20 Acoustic Noise Cancelling in-ear headphones, I had no idea the value of blocking out background noise. Whether you’re on a train, plane, bus, studying in a library, or in my case, constantly in rooms full of small people, noise cancelling headphones will block everything but whatever you’re really trying to hear.