fitbit charge 5 contest at Best BuyWith a Fitbit, you’ll stay inspired on your journey to health and fitness. It helps you set personal goals for your mind and body and redefine your routine. And in this contest, we’re giving away Fitbit’s most advanced Charge 5 fitness tracker. With new features and a stunning AMOLED display you will stay on top of everything. It not only tracks your sleep, heart rate, and calories burned but also keeps you informed whether your body is prepared for an intense workout or should recover. Learn more about Charge 5 and its features, then enter the contest to win one for yourself or a loved one.

Fitbit Charge 5 offers style and versatility to your wrist

From comfort to easy-to-use tracking, Charge 5 is notably the best fitness tracker Fitbit has made. It has all the health and fitness features you’ll find in smartwatches like Versa 3 and Sense, and a bright touchscreen display that offers an always-on option so it’s easy to see, even in direct sunlight. This band will help you track your sleep overnight, monitor your heart rate during exercise, use GPS, and answer messages—all right on your wrist.

With more than 20 exercise modes and real-time stats, it turns your traditional workouts into a meaningful and fun fitness experience. In addition, it comes with advanced tools like on-wrist ECG and Daily Readiness score so you can monitor your fitness fatigue, your heart rate variability, and your sleep—to tell you how ready your body is for a workout.

Fitbit trackers are great for everyone in the family

Fitbit smartwatches and fitness trackers are a great way to promote fun and healthy competition and socialize with friends, coworkers, and family members as you compare who accumulated the most steps in a day or in a week and work together to achieve shared fitness goals. And, Charge 5 is a perfect fitness tracker for those who want to monitor their movements, sleep, and heart rate, and take steps toward improving their overall health.

We sent out a sample Charge 5 to our blogger Ted Kritsonis to review and share honest feedback with us. Read his complete Fitbit Charge 5 review to learn about the extraordinary features and how Charge 5 can be helpful in improving your overall health, then return here to enter the contest for your chance to win a Charge 5 from Best Buy.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter twice:

  1. Do you have a fitness partner that inspires you? In a comment below, tell us who (first name) that person is and one thing they do that inspires you.
  2. In a comment below Ted’s review article, tell us which feature of Fitbit Charge 5 you like the most and why.

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly select two winners from all eligible entries and each will receive a new Fitbit Charge 5 fitness tracker from Best Buy.

This contest runs from Dec 8th until Dec 22nd.

Remember that you can enter twice and share this contest with your friends and family, so they too have a chance to win a Fitbit Charge 5 fitness tracker and keep up on their fitness goals. Keep stepping!

Win a Fitbit Charge 5 Rules and Regulations

Good Luck!

Bhupinder Kaur
Bhupinder is a senior editor and a collaborative team player at Best Buy Canada. She is passionate about creating consistent digital experiences with her writing, editing, analytics, and project management skills. Other than that, she loves to cook authentic Indian recipes for friends and family.


  1. The fitness partner that inspiresus is seeing a neighbor of ours. At 90+ years old, LĂ©o walks 5 km daily in
    + 23 or -23 Celsius, and golf weekly.

  2. My dog Duckie inspires me to get our two daily walks accomplished. Duckie is 13 years old but still and getting a bit slower but no matter what the weather we enjoy ours walks together.

  3. On-wrist EDA sensor provides a daily Stress Management Score showing your body’s response to stress, so you can better understand and take steps to improve your mental health

  4. My daughter Lisa inspires me. She keeps going through kneww replacements and injuries. I love her fitbit, so would be thrilled to have one of my own with all these features, especially heart monitor.

  5. My own inner inspiration is all I need to workout. Which means I don’t workout often. I would love a fitbit charge to motivate me to workout more.

  6. I love the new heart rate monitor, stress monitor and oxygen monitor. These new features are great improvements over my old fitbit. I woud love to buy one of these for my husband due to these new improvements!

  7. I would love a Fitbit !!!! My best friend rose and I are planning our new walking schedule next week . I would love to keep track of all my steps.

  8. I had a fitbit a couple of years ago, and I would have to say that Fitbit was my motivator, as it kept me accountable.
    If I had to choose one feature that I like most, it’s the on-wrist ECG and daily readiness score.

  9. My husband Justin is my biggest motivator. He inspires me daily and helps to motivate me to stay on track and keep up with my fitness goals

  10. My girlfriend Barb Minnick inspires me to push myself a little harder at the gym. She is a strong women who has made staying healthy a priority, Its because of her strength and determination I stay motivated to be healthy too,

  11. My sister Andrea is my inspiration. She’s had a tremendous amount of loss in her life but she keeps going and is a fabulous wife and mother ❤

  12. My favorite feature is the on wrist ECG. So convenient to know if something is irregular with your heart rate.

  13. My friend Cherl inspires me. She doesn’t let anything stop her. Even with injuries, she just finds another way to workout through them.

  14. My daughter, Alicia. She is a bodybuilder and actually competed this year. Brought home a couple medals and trophies. Because of her, I now have dumbbells of various weights and walk every day. Not bad for a 70 year old lol

  15. My inspiration is myself! I am the one that needs to lose the weight and had to move my body daily. So using this Fitbit to help with that is so helpful having this feature of on-wrist ECG and Daily Readiness score so you can monitor your fitness fatigue- your heart rate.

  16. I’m just wonderstruck each time I think of my oldest friend that turned 100 this Sept. She’s been active throughout her life and still doing anything and everything daily to stay fit. She’s more than inspired me, she’s just amazes me even at her age of now!!

  17. My inspiration for fitness is my cousin who even ran a marathon the morning of her wedding. I like the health features of the Charge 5 and all the things it monitors

  18. Since my gym closed haven’t worked out with my fitness pals – Gwen, Linda, Wayne and many more – who always inspired me with their dedication and who made working out fun. My current fitness partner is my cat who comes down to the basement with me when I use my elliptical. She is really old but still manages to climb up and down the carpeted telepost at lightning speed so I figure if she can keep up her fitness level as she ages I better try and do the same!

  19. My aunt Barbie inspires me. She’s retired but occupies her time with tons of fitness classes to stay fit and healthy.

  20. My workout partner, Thomas, worked out a lot during the pandemic and lost 30 pounds and looks healthier and amazing!!

  21. George inspires me with his dedication to fitness. I love many of the features but the built-in GPS is my favorite, real time distance and pace for runs , walks and hikes.

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