hyperboom splashproof speaker A party needs music and the Hyperboom was invented to provide incredible party-perfect audio. You probably already have the perfect party spot picked out and just need a big, loud, speaker to bring along. Some advantages of having a Hyperboom is that it’s wireless, so take it anywhere, and with Bluetooth connectivity anyone can play the music on their smartphone with ease. And if you don’t see a huge party in your near future, make it a party of one with incredible music that will fill your home. Enter now for your chance to win!

Ultimate Ears is one of the best for transportable audio technology

When my friends ask me to recommend a wireless speaker that can go anywhere and play music easily without a hastle, I suggest UE. Ultimate Ears has been producing amazing sounding speakers that go where you want to go for many years. Their newest speaker, the Hyperboom Splashproof Bluetooth Wireless Party Speaker, is the megastar of the line-up. By mega I mean it is big. It’s also heavy, delivering thumping bass and enough sound for any outdoor party.

Take it to the beach, by the pool, or just outside—even if you aren’t guaranteed a cloudless sunshiny day. I know where I would take it: to my garden. I spend a lot of time in my garden because it is massive, private, and is my place to escape. I have a small speaker there and if I’m at the outer edge of the garden I can barely hear the music. Once the weather is better and things get back to normal on this planet of ours, I would love to throw a massive party there and this speaker would be an awesome addition.

Unfortunately, I can’t win their speaker: I have the awesome responsibility to pick the winner and picking myself would just be weird. However, you can enter for a chance to win … and you should too. Even if it’s just to quietly play Mozart in the background while you work from home.

How to enter

Entering is easy but you can only enter once. Think about your dream location to host a massive party where this speaker could really show off how awesome it is, then in a comment below this article, tell us where your dream location to play music from a Hyperboom speaker is and why it’s special to you.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we’ll select one eligible entry to win a Hyperboom Splashproof Bluetooth Wireless Party Speaker.

This contest runs from May 1st until May 17th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, there are many people that you know who might also want to throw parties in the future so tell them to enter too so at least you could play your own music at their party!

Win a Hyperboom Speaker Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. My deck would be a great place once social distancing is over and we can host parties again with actual other people here. LoL

  2. Would love to bring this with me kayaking actually! When we dock for a BBQ lunch with the friends, this could come in handy!

  3. The most awesome location and dream location to party with this speaker is on the beach in Navagio Greece, with the shipwreck in the background!!!!!!!

  4. At our trailer. We spend most of our time on our deck outside so this would be great.

  5. I have the perfect cottage in mind – overlooking the lake where the music would draw everyone within hearing distance.

  6. My dream location to use this speaker would be the penthouse of the tallest highrise in downtown Vancouver, where we can see the ocean and mountains!

  7. My dream location would be at my relatives’ large country property, where we could have a family get together. Seeing lots of family from across Canada would be a special day, and having this speaker to play fun tunes a great bonus.

  8. I’d use for a Party and Backyard BBQ. I’m looking forward to getting together with family and friends again. Good food and good company is always a good thing.

  9. Dream location is by a cottage around lake. Anyweher really will do the trick at this point of time. Enjoying sunset will be special.

  10. this would be used at my cousin’s house. we’d have a backyard party (she has a bigger backyard than we do) it would be fantastic to jam with my family after all of this and enjoy the outdoors/sunshine all together

  11. I’d love to use this when I’m outside in the garden! Gardening is special to me because my parents had a huge garden and taught me everything I know. This would make gardening even better!

  12. Hello! My dream location to host a party is definitely on a yacht… but I need to own one! The speaker will be a great start.

  13. Yup im with most people here… my backyard deck and its special to me because Ive spent so much time on landscaping and the deck and a nice stereo would just set it off! And ROMANTIC…

  14. In the parking lot of the neighborhood plaza once everyone gets the go ahead to party again! All will be invited!

  15. If I won the Hyperboom Splashproof Bluetooth Wireless Party Speaker, I’d use it by the pool and ensure I invite my family, friends and neighbors for a big BBQ party after all this self isolation!!!

  16. Eventually when we get back to the new normal, I’d use it in my hockey dressing room

  17. At the pool where a BBQ, swimming and socializing activities can take place facilitating joy of time, place and sound,

    • Best spot for my Hyperboom would be a nice open space! Social distance to the max! (Maximum being 15 persons at the moment..)
      Enjoy the 2 meter+ company of others whilst being able to reach out to them with wicked tunes! Rock on! 😛

  18. Beside the BBQ blasting out the tunes with Great Food, Few IPA and friends when all the social distancing ends.

  19. My dream location to play this would be on the deck of one of those over the water hotel suites in Bora Bora. I’ve always wanted to go there. Looks incredibly beautiful and would be a dream come true.

  20. In our massive backyard on our brand new 16×20 deck.. It’s a double lot so this would be epic

  21. My dream location would be anywhere my family and friends are! I miss being around people so much!

  22. Dream location to play music on this Hyperboom party speaker would be on a secluded body of water up in the north… on a boat 🙂

    Except, I would probably play something really chill and relaxing to accompany the sounds of nature to really zone out

  23. I would love to use this speaker in my back patio/garden area while having a summer barbecue with a group of friends and family.

  24. this would be totally awesome at my sons new house that has a pool!!! he has three kids under 7 and music is a BIG part of their day. plus its fantastic to host all the pools party when we can finally get together

  25. My dream Location would be anywhere friends and family are honestly (when is pendemic is over). Location is only as good as the people around you. I am a huge music lover and listen to Spotify EVERYDAY.

  26. My dream location to play music from a Hyperboom speaker is on my balcony; So I can throw a “Social Distancing Party” with neighbours, have some fun and forget for few hours about the current sad circumstances.

  27. In all honesty, my dream location for this speaker would be at a party at my Mom’s house up north, with all our family, once it’s safe to do so. Not being able to see her in person at all has been hard, so celebrating at her place, with some great music playing, would be ideal. Thanks for the chance!

  28. My dream location would be a cottage overlooking the lake. Invite all my friends! Crank the music loud on the Hyperboom Splashproof Bluetooth Wireless Party Speaker. Cheers!

  29. Would love to be able to use this outside while we’re working on the yard. I have LOTS of work to do and some tunes would definitely help pass the time!

  30. Honestly my dream at this point is to have contact with friends and family wherever. Music is our thing so having a great speaker would be amazing!!! Thanks so much for the chance.

  31. I’m picturing myself with all my friends and family aboard a huge party boat in the middle of a secluded lake. My Hyperboom speaker will be belting out the tunes and we’ll all be dancing under the stars! We might disturb the sleeping critters nearby, but it will be worth it!

    • I would love to use this in the comfort of my home enjoying with my family and friends when everything gets back to normal

  32. My dream location for a fun party with this cool speaker is a secluded beach on Kauai – perfect for dancing on the sand, doing stand up paddling, and enjoying a picnic!

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