LG has created a new premium phone, the G8x, that raises the bar for what a smartphone can be. It has two screens: the one that accompanies the regular phone and another screen in its case: click the phone in the case and suddenly your phone becomes a multi-tasking wonder machine. Additionally, it has one feature that most of us hated to lose on other new premium phones: a headphone jack! You may just win this phone by reading this article carefully so you know hot to enter this contest.
Dual screen LG G8x is a game changer
You may be wondering how much use you would get out of two screens on a phone. Personally, I think it’s life changing. Face it: we look at phones more than we look at our partners. So, a dual screen phone gives us twice as much to look at. You can watch “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on one screen and answer texts on the other. You can have the game on one screen and the controller can be on the other. The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Yes, you might have noticed but I’m a little excited to try this. How would you use the two screens?
How to enter
Entering this contest is really easy, but you can only enter once. In a comment below this article, tell us how you would use the dual screens on this phone. I gave a couple ways that I would use it: what would you do?
What you can win
At the end of this contest, we will select one eligible entry to receive a LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen 128GB Smartphone.
This contest runs from December 24th until January 7th.
Remember you can only enter once. However, you must know someone who is in need of a phone upgrade and this will put them in a select group of people with the coolest new technology on the planet.
Win a LG G8x Phone Rules and Regulations
Good luck.
I’d like to say I’d be super organized and grown up, answer emails on one screen and banking on another….. but let’s be realistic….. play candy crush on one and scroll through Facebook on the other!
I wouldnt know what to do haha
But i should would learn quick and my family would be the first picture on that phone. Could use a new one for sure
Check emails on one and watch videos on the other.
I’ll send e-mails from one screen, and watch videos on the other.
Watching my hockey game on one screen and getting updates from the other games on the second screen.
I would love to win this I would text on one screen to my daughter which I miss so much she moved away and I’m so depressed this would make me so happy so I could face time her as well
Taking pictures on baby on one and watching outcome on other.
I would become an expert multi-tasker: emailing or texting on one screen while youtubing or googling on the other! What an awesome feature!
This phone would be a god send for me!! So many possibilities with this phone. I would use the dual screen to watch Netflix shows and play a game or facebook and email etc. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize. Good luck to all but I really hope that I win.
Email on one screen and Netflix on the other.
How would I use 2 screens? For business use, I deal with truck drivers and filling out their paperwork, I would use one screen to do their paperwork while I can simultaneously show them on the GPS map where their trailer is located within the yard to pick up. For personal use, I would love to use the Spacedesk App so I can stream my PC game on Twitch (on my PC), and on the phone is the desktop screen extension so I could have the Twitch chat on one screen and be able to have Twitter on the 2nd screen looking for new teammates, or even have my music playing for the Twitch chat.
This would be such an exciting phone to own! I would be able to research contest while posting to my social media channels! It would also be great to sneak peaks at my sons pictures while being able to stay up to date with my blog online. Thank you for this amazing chance to own this uber amazing cell!
I know I would totally do this but put whatsapp friends chat on one screen and stream youtube on the other! And my friends and I can watch same thing and live chat together!
I think this phone is really cool! So many multitasking opportunities! I would watch a tv show or movie and text or check email.
Netflix one screen, Disney plus another because I can!
Writing an email on one screen and a browser search engine open on the other.
Woo Hoo! Watch a movie & be able to text on the other – how ingenious
Netflix and instagram
Watching youtube while texting at the same time
Would watch YouTube on one screen and social media or text in the other!
I would text on one side and accessing e-mail or instagram on the other!
I would seamlessly reference what I was reading/watching or change playlists without losing my place.
Messaging on one screen and web browsing on the other. Two of my most common tasks.
Absolute ability to see more visually and do more he multi dual screens!
Wow! Two screens truly is a Game Changer.
I write book reviews on my blog and having two screens would allow me to look up quotes and links to enter into my review on one screen while having WordPress open on the other screen.
This would save me a ton of clicking back and forth.
being able to watch YouTube and netflix all at once
Comparing two sale flyers at the same time.
Multitasking…email and open programs probably.
for you tube and netflix
I would use one side for work and emails while the other side is for pure enjoyment with movies, games or online shopping!
I would use it to look at pictures of my daughter when I am listening to music or doing research.
Watching two of my fave programs at the same time. LG multitasking.
I would watch Netflix on one screen and text my granddaughter on the other
I would watch youtube on screen and compose emails on the other
I’d use it to compare products when I’m checking out prices and features.
Looking up and side by side comparison on 2 screens would be amazing!
I would probably have something running on Netflix on one screen and all the rest on the other one!
Composing an email and viewing reference material at the same time
To watch a movie and text at the same time would be awesome.
Review the specials while making up shopping lists
I could watch a movie while answering emails
Messaging on one screen, accessing email, when required on the other, or referencing required information in support of a conversation or sorting out an issue.
I’d have the hockey game on one screen and be able to answer emails on the other!
Having a full width keyboard was always something I’ve missed and this second screen would be fantastic for that!
Text on one side while shopping on the other side.
I would text on one screen and watch YouTube videos on another!
text on one screen and watch Netflix or Crave on the other..
I would play my games on Facebook while I answer my emails on the other
The dual screens would def6come in handy when I’m whipping up a newly found recipe online. Using one screen for the recipe and the other to hold the conversion charts…
I will let me kids watch YouTube on one screen while I surf on the other one
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