working out with google home and alexa

Starting a fitness program is hard, but sticking to it is even harder. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, practice better self-care, or you just want to be healthier overall, there are a lot of tech options to give you a helping hand. One of the most helpful fitness motivators I’ve found comes in a package that might surprise you: your Google Home or Amazon Alexa can help you get fit, workout, and even relax.

Here’s a few ways Google Home and Alexa can help you stick to your healthy resolutions.

Work out with your voice assistant

An amazing perk of having a Google Home or Alexa is how the device can keep you on a workout schedule.

Using Alexa for workouts

alexa to workout with

There are a few different options for using Alexa to work out. You can ask Alexa to start a 7-Minute Workout, and she’ll guide you step by step through a quick 7 minute training session. Don’t worry, she’ll let you stop and get a drink of water if you need a break.

Alexa also works with your Fitbit. You can ask her for an update on your stats without checking your watch or the app, and it can keep you motivated if you’re tempted to sit and watch TV. All you have to do is say, “Alexa, ask Fitbit…” and you can get your steps, distance, and active minutes, find out how many calories you’ve burned that day or how long you slept, or find out how much battery life you have left on your fitness tracker.

Using Google Home for workouts

Your Google Home can connect you to Fitstar Personal Trainer for the 7-Minute Workout too. If you’d like to get some fresh air and a workout outside, but you aren’t sure you have the time, you can ask Google how long it would take to bike to a certain location.

Google Assistant will also connect you to your Google Calendar to schedule workouts or set goals. She’ll remind you if you’ve planned to go to the gym or a class and you’re tempted to skip it. If you have a Chromecast, you can also stream Youtube workout videos straight to your TV. You won’t have to search specifically for a video either; just ask your Google Home to find a strength training video or HIIT workout and see what comes up.

Eat healthier thanks to your voice assistant

using voice assistant to eat healthy

Diet and exercise go hand in hand. Your Google Home and Alexa can help you stick to your healthy eating plan in a few different ways.

Ask Google or Alexa to connect you to Allrecipes. If you’d like to try a new salad or low carb dinner, you can ask your voice assistant to find you a recipe. They’ll even walk you through the process of making the recipe, and if you need groceries, will help you make a list.

If you’re wondering about the calorie content of a food you’d like to eat, or you’re trying to convince yourself not to eat something unhealthy, just ask Google or Alexa for the nutritional breakdown of what you’d like to eat. Did you know there are 32 grams of fat in a chocolate bar? Neither did I until I asked Google. After finding out, I didn’t feel like eating it anymore.

Practice better self-care with Google Home or Alexa

self care google home

When you take better care of yourself, you can take better care of others, and self-care is a huge New Year’s resolution for many people. Google Home and Alexa will help you practice better self-care by walking you through guided meditations, giving you daily affirmations to help you think positively, and they can even lull you to sleep at night without you having to use electronics.

To de-stress, my favourite Google Home command is “OK, Google, play ocean waves.” I let it run all night long, and the soothing sounds of the ocean always make me feel relaxed.

The best part of voice assistants like Google Home and Alexa? They are always there, 24/7, to help when you need it. When it comes to sticking to healthy resolutions, having a constant source of support will keep you on track to meeting your goal.

Check out all of the voice assistants and accessories at Best Buy, and try your voice assistant the next time you need a helping hand.


Shelly Wutke
Editor TV & Home Theatre
I'm a Vancouver freelancer and tech enthusiast. When I'm not writing you'll find me on my farm with my alpacas, chickens, and honeybees. Visit my website Survivemag