This is a great year to introduce your home to a new smart home camera from D-Link. They have many cameras to choose from, and their latest models will astound you with their simple set-up, ease of operation, and the huge increase in security you get. To help you learn for yourself how secure you’ll feel with one installed in your home, Best Buy is giving away 6 cameras in this contest (3 indoor and 3 outdoor) as shown above. Enter now for your chance to be one of the 6 lucky winners!

Now is the time to install a smart camera

Smart home camera technology has come a long way in only a few short years. The quality of the captured image, ability to see the action in real time on your phone no matter where you are in the world, and the ease and versatility of the installation are simply remarkable. The advantages of owning some (or even just one!) is obvious: security for your family, for your home, and for your valuables.

Summer is the perfect time to make your home smarter and a great security camera is the perfect way to start. Smart home technology is an investment into the future safety and security of your home and family. Once autumn arrives you’ll be too busy to make changes around the home. However, do the changes now, then when the new school and work season begins you’ll be glad you did. A great security camera will protect your home when those shorter, darker fall and winter days offer more opportunities to thieves. Also, a camera allows you to see your kids when they arrive home from school—you’ll know if they had a good day or not right away!

D-Link’s latest cameras, the Full HD 180 degree indoor and outdoor cameras, offer all of these benefits and more. To learn all about them, you can read the review that Leo Bond just posted on the Best Buy Blog. He reviewed the same types of camera that we are giving as the prizes in this contest.

How to Enter to win a D-Link Full HD 180 degree camera

You can enter this contest right here on the blog. You can enter only once by telling us in a comment where you would most want to place a camera (outdoors or indoors) and why. You may want both, but to be eligible to win you must choose either an outdoor location or an indoor location and discuss your choice in a comment below.

What you can win

We will randomly choose 6 winners from all eligible entries: 3 will win a D-Link Wi-Fi Outdoor 180 Degree HD Camera, and 3 will win a D-Link Wi-Fi Indoor 180 Degree HD Camera. We will try to ensure that the winners get the type of camera they requested in their comment; however, since the draw is random that may not be possible.


The contest will run from Friday July 14th until Monday July 31st.


Remember you can only enter once. After you leave a comment below share this post on your social channels so your friends and family can also have a chance to win.

Also, subscribe to the blog so you can get email notifications when new posts and new contests get added to the blog: you will never miss out on another contest!

Good Luck

Win a DLINK Camera Rules and Regulations


We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. I’d like to place the camera outdoors, on the outside of my window sill, to cover my apartment block parking lot.

  2. An outdoor camera would be perfect to offer added security. I would like to scan the area before going out, plus it would be a deterrent to prowlers.

  3. I would install the D-Link Wi-Fi Outdoor 180 Degree HD Camera in a few areas outside to help keep an eye on my property while I’m away.

  4. I would use the d link indoor camera in my living room facing my front door entrance and out my window so I can monitor activity coming and going from my house as well in front of my house outside.

  5. The D-Link Wi-Fi Outdoor 180 Degree HD Camera would be most useful for my family as I have a son with special needs who is not aware of his personal safety. Summer time is challenging as he could try to leave the backyard to bolt away so I need to keep eyes on him at all times. This would be really helpful for some extra “eyes”.

  6. I have been looking at a variety of cameras as of late. I would choose the D-Link Wi-Fi Outdoor 180 Degree HD Camera for security reasons to hopefully deter from unwanted activity.

  7. So hard to choose indoor or outdoor as I would love them both. Home security is a must living in a highly populated city.

  8. I’d love the outdoor camera. I’ve been thinking of getting one as we’ve had someone come between 12 AM and 4 AM checking our mailbox!

  9. I would love a D-Link Wi-Fi Outdoor Camera to scare away any burglars. It would also and permit me to keep an eye on my property.

  10. I want to win the outdoor version so I can tell who has been visiting my house while I’m away – probably more wild animals than people.

  11. I would like one for indoor that would face outside, that way it cannot be stolen/tampered with if someone is approaching from outside.

  12. I would like an outdoor camera to keep an eye on our bicycles. They always get stolen 🙁

  13. I would get a camera for outside my front door so that I can see if anyone is lurking around and to make sure no one takes my bestbuy packages!

  14. I would use two outside because I have a auto shop and it would be really nice to have the extra security, because there have been times where people come and try to take their cars without paying or people try and damage cars.

  15. I do a lot of selling items and porch pick ups. The outdoor camera would be awesome for keeping an eye on my items so nothing gets stolen or unpaid for as well as general security. Thanks so much for the chance!

  16. I would place the camera in my backyard to identify what is digging up my vegtables in my garden!

  17. I’d love an outdoor camera – couriers and the post – just get dropped on our front porch so I’d love an added layer of security for those packages!

  18. i would use an outdoor 180 camera to replace my existing d-link outdoor camera, to gain a much wider coverage.

  19. I would choose to have two inside ( one per level) and one outside. This would make me feel more secure.

  20. I would place the D-Link smart home camera at my front door so I would know who’s ringing the bell before I open up only to find out it’s an annoying salesperson. (My house has a poor design so I can’t simply look out the window.)

  21. I would really like to win an outdoor camera. I would put it in front of our home as we don’t have a driveway and are forced to park out front on the street. There have been vandals/theft in the area lately & my vehicle has been targeted several times this year already. This would be so helpful as I’m sure they would think twice about doing so with a camera watching them. Thanks for this opportunity to win!

  22. I need an outdoor camera because I live right next to an elementary school that gets well used at night – far too often the partiers wander into my yard.

  23. An outside camera focussed on the back yard would let me know if there are night crawlers out there.

  24. I would want to install a D-Link Wi-Fi Outdoor 180 Degree HD Camera to keep an view our cars since we have had some break-ins this year. The vandals make more damage than the value of items of goods stolen. A camera may keep them away or better yet reform them.

  25. I would prefer the outdoor location to place a camera, placing between my front door and garage facing the street. That should offer the best monitoring of the place for security purposes and also, with the motion detection (recording), be able to check (if happened) who stole my garbage/recycle bin!

  26. Wow, this is amazing, my Dad and I have been talking about me getting something like this for OUTSIDE my front door now.
    Since I’m disabled……I simply have a “note” on my front door that says to just knock or ring the bell and for people to just COME IN !!!…….because for me to get up and go to the door can cause me a lot of pain……or by the time I would get to the door, people might just leave anyway.
    Having a camera that looks outside (for me, it would see the whole front entrance including where someone would park and come up the walkway to the stairs and door……… I would see anyone coming well in advance and know WHO is at the door probably even before they knock or ring.

    Not to mention………for “SECURITY”………..if I hear anything “strange” outside at anytime (even though rare)………..I don’t have to just “wonder” what it was anymore without ever knowing…………I would know have the camera in place to actually “SEE” for myself (which I USED to be able to easily just get up and go and look out the window or out the door)………..which now is a very painful process if I need or decide to try and do.

    So, THANK YOU, BestBuy for a “perfect” contest for sure……..I definitely have my fingers, toes, and even my earlobes crossed for this one 😉 ha ha

    Good luck everyone!

  27. I would love to have this install outside. Mainly because i have 2 toddlers and they love being outside , this would be great to keep an extra set of eyes on what goes on in and around the outside of our house.

  28. I would put it outdoor to see the if people have been around my house when I’m away (vacations for example).

  29. My driveway/parking is over to the side away from plain window view so this would be ideal.

  30. I would like an outdoor camera to keep an eye on my mailbox, so I know when the mail gets delivered.

  31. One indoor to keep an eye on the puppy and kids (making sure everyone follows the house rules) and one outdoor to keep an eye on the drug dealers next door, make sure they stay next door lol 😉

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