Getting an Oral-B electric toothbrush is like a gift for your mouth everytime you brush. I am not exaggerating; I am a huge proponent of using really good tools when they make a big difference in your life. And a really good electric toothbrush will make your mouth cleaner, reduce the opportunity for disease to set in, and as such improve your overall oral health. The newest Oral-B iO Smart Electric Toothbrush has several really interesting features that set it apart from many others; and, we are giving away two in this contest.

Consider the alternative to an electric toothbrush

Most of us grew up brushing up and down, side to side, using a hand powered plastic stick (that we now know is bad for the environment by the way) sometimes trying our best though often not doing the best job at brushing thoroughly enough, or for a long enough time. What choice did we have? Our visits to the dentists told us plainly that we were amateur brushers at best. We couldn’t just admit defeat and hire a professional to do the job for us.

Oral-B presents clean teeth in the age of smart technology

Now you have a choice. I have been using an electric toothbrush for several years and I could never go back to the dark ages of manual brushing. My mouth feels clean, really clean, after every brushing. However, Oral-B just released their newest electric toothbrush and I am tempted to switch.

Shelly reviewed this toothbrush just before it launched at Best Buy. She discussed the many unique technologies that set this toothbrush apart. For example, it has a screen! And I think giving it a screen also gave it a swagger never before seen in a toothbrush. After all it will frown at you if it thinks your brushing lacked enthusiasm. Honestly! They call it a “smart toothbrush” and they are not kidding.

Interested in winning one? Read carefully the rest of this article then enter for your chance.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once below this article and once below Shelly’s review article. In a comment, tell us which of the new features found in the Oral-B iO Smart Electric Toothbrush will you find most interesting to try.

What you can win

At the end of this contest we will select two winners to each receive a Black Oral-B iO toothbrush.

This contest runs from September 2nd until September 17th. 

Remember you can only enter once here and once on the review article. However, it’s not rude to suggest to someone they need a new toothbrush … it shows you care. So tell your friends and family so they too have a chance to win.

Win an Oral B iO Smart Toothbrush Rules and Regulations

Good Luck.

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. What an amazing breakthrough. A.I, tech. A smart phone app so you can watch in real-time to make sure your brushing all your teeth. There are so many innovative features. What I like the most is the sensitivity gauge and the flossing tracking . It lets you know if you’re brushing too hard or not hard enough. I tend to brush or floss too hard and make my gums bleed, wear down the enamel and cause tooth sensitivity. It’s like having a professional dentist and hygienist watching over you to make sure you get it right. I would love to give this a try.

  2. The 6 different modes, is a super feature, but for me especially the Gum Care, Sensitive, Intense, and Super Sensitive for optimum cleaning would be ideal.

  3. The harder you brush does not equal cleaner teeth, says my dentist, so I would love to test out the pressure sensor.

  4. Love all the features but The screen would be so helpful to keep my brushing the way it is supposed to be. Also the pressure sensor would be an added plus to my sensitive teeth and gums.

  5. The screen would be so helpful to keep my brushing the way it is supposed to be. Also the pressure sensor would be an added plus to my sensitive teeth and gums.

  6. Because you get micro-vibrating bristles on your brush head, you can target every square inch of your teeth and gums.

  7. It’s nice that there are new brush heads included with your toothbrush, and you can set a reminder in the app to change it out after a set amount of time.

  8. The new feature found in the Oral-B iO Smart Electric Toothbrush that I would find most interesting to try is the Smart pressure sensor that lets me know if I’m brushing too hard. My dentist always says that brushing harder could possibly damage my gums and enamel.

  9. I really like the 6 smart brushing modes, it would be useful of I eat something sticky or feel like I haven’t done a good enough job brushing.

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