four great baby buys for fallYou can always tell when fall is in the air. The weather gets a little chillier at night, those flip flops you’ve been wearing all summer make your feet feel exposed, and you start to sort through the sock pile again in anticipation of a chilly winter.

When you have a baby at home, that chill in the air can signal the end of daily outdoor time and the beginning of finding things to do inside. Some parts of Canada already dip into the negative temperatures in September and October, but that doesn’t have to keep you and your baby inside. There’s a lot of new baby gear that will keep your baby comfortable when out in the fall weather.

Check out these four great baby buys to get you outside this fall.

Durable Baby Strollers


Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle stroller

When you want to head outside to explore the fall leaves or go on a brisk stroll to get some fresh air with your baby, you need a good stroller. The Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle stroller is durable enough to stand up to a Canadian fall while still being comfortable enough for your baby.

You can hit the bumps and go off-pavement when you have the Mountain Buggy. It has a shock absorbing suspension with 12-inch air-filled tires that cruise over different terrain. If you need to stop suddenly, it has a handlebar brake, and your baby will be snug and secure in the 5-point harness.

phil&ted DOT V3.jpg

Phil&teds DOT V3 Double Stroller

It’s pretty common to have two kids under the age of two these days, and if you have two babies you want to get outside with this fall, the phil&teds DOT V3 will be your travel companion.

The DOT V3 is one versatile stroller. It comes with a double kit that lets you put a second seat on the stroller, and you can also switch it to parent facing mode so you can watch over your baby while you’re out on an adventure.

It has a full sized seat and 10” puncture-proof wheels, so it’s compact, streamlined, and extremely durable.


Versatile Baby Carriers

BabyBjorn Baby Carrier One

When you take a baby out for a fall stroll, you have to prepare before you go. That’s why whenever I would go out for a day’s adventure with my baby along, I’d take both a stroller and a baby carrier like the BabyBjorn Baby Carrier One.

Baby’s love BabyBjorn carriers. They keep them snuggled close to mom or dad, and with Baby Carrier One. It’s versatile, so you can switch the baby’s position in four ways from front to back so you can find the one that best suits him or her.


You can use the BabyBjorn Baby Carrier One from newborn to age 3, so you’ll get plenty of wear out of it, and it’s durable enough to stand up to the elements while keeping your baby cozy. It also focuses on parent’s comfort, because it’s ergonomically designed with a waist belt to even out the weight of the baby on your frame.


The BabyBjorn Baby Carrier One comes in black and orange and stylish silver

Fall doesn’t have to mean endless days inside when you’re prepared for the weather. These four baby buy’s will help keep you and baby comfortable as you head outside. For more great baby buys, take a look at all things baby on


Shelly Wutke
Editor TV & Home Theatre
I'm a Vancouver freelancer and tech enthusiast. When I'm not writing you'll find me on my farm with my alpacas, chickens, and honeybees. Visit my website Survivemag