Five Products to Help You Get Fit before the HolidaysThe seasons have changed, but the summer bulge from drinking too many margaritas and eating at too many BBQ parties may linger. Sometimes we need landmarks in our cultural calendar to get us back on track. Yes, Thanksgiving is fast approaching, which may motivate us to hit the gym to justify a long weekend of gluttony. And then next thing we know, we’ll be invited to all the Christmas parties. Time flies! Let’s take charge before Netflix consumes us and we forget what it’s like to stay active and healthy.

When it comes to weight loss, people think they only need to crank up the cardio. But you also need to add some weight training exercises to tone your muscles. Definitely look into getting a personal trainer or watching some YouTube videos to ensure you are using weights properly and effectively. If you are a fan of Jillian Michaels, you TapouT Deluxemight be interested in her Shred It With Weights DVD.

But before you start your training, make sure to get some gloves so you look like a badass at the gym—or at least like you know what you’re doing. More importantly, they protect your hands from any blisters or cuts. As well, they give you a better grip on the weights, especially if your hands get sweaty. Check out these lifting and workout gloves from TapouT Deluxe.

Belkin Sport-Fit iPhone 6/6s Armband Case I discovered this app called Couch to 5K. It’s a great tool to get you into running, especially if, like me, you are a little resistant to it. It has a great mix of walking, jogging and running that kept me interested in exercising. Since the app is on my iPhone, it’d be useful to strap it on this armband during my run instead of holding it in my hand. Check out this Belkin Sport-Fit iPhone Armband Case.

Fitbit Alta Fitness TrackerEvery post on how to get in shape must give an honourable mention to Fitbit. It’s the most reliable smart tracker in the marketplace. The Fitbit Alta is a customizable gadget that monitors your exercise, day-to-day activity, and sleep. It’ll also let you know when it’s time to get off the couch and do a quick workout. Fitbit’s technology syncs well with other applications such as MyFitnessPal, so you can log your diet and fitness all in one place.

Bellabeat LEAF Fitness TrackerFor the ladies, if you aren’t interested in wearing a fitness tracker around your wrist, you’ll likely enjoy the BellaBeats. It’s a fashionable fitness tracker that you can wrap around your arm or wear as a necklace or as a brooch. You’ve got options! BellaBeats monitors your exercise, sleep quality, stress levels, and menstrual cycle so you are better in tune with your body’s needs.

What is your favourite gadget to get you into shape? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Leila Pejman
Leila Pejman is a producer and storyteller whose work encompasses content creation, media, social media, and communications, topped off with a passion for emerging technologies. On the domestic side, she's on a mission to create the best quinoa muffin recipe.