Earth day is a great time to familiarize yourself with eco-friendly printers like the Epson ET-8500 printer. As we march towards a greener and cleaner future, we’re always on the lookout for the latest sustainable and eco-friendly technologies. Epson’s new line of supertank printers help you reduce waste and increase productivity—and produce amazing high-quality prints. Learn why this printer is better for the planet and for you, then enter to win one for your home.

Two reasons why Epson EcoTank printers are better for the environment

Over the past few years I have used much less paper and print a lot less at home too. One of the most important reasons is that my children graduated from school and moved out. No more school projects to print. While they were in school I bet we used an ink cartridge every month or two. Parents, you know what I am talking about! Recycling and composting are activities that many of us are doing a lot more than even a decade ago. Purchasing products from companies creating sustainable tech, like Epson, is another way to help the planet.

The EcoTank printers from Epson are just what parents need: you’ll save money and you’ll be helping the environment.

Save money: Ink cartridges are not cheap! With an Epson ET-8550 you’ll just refill the ink reservoirs in the printer when the ink levels are low. You won’t ever buy another ink cartridge! In fact, the ink bottles this printer comes with have so much ink that my family would have gone years without needing to buy more. Each ink bottle set is equivalent of 100 ink cartridges.

Help the environment: Fewer ink cartridges in your shopping cart means less ink cartridge plastic in the environment. It also means less plastic packaging for those ink cartridges, less energy being used on ink cartridge production, and less travel back and forth to transport those ink cartridges. You can see how big a deal these printers are.

Celebrate Earth Day by spreading the news about Epson Ecotank printers 

Do you celebrate Earth Day? You can! You could host an Earth Day party: use an Epson eco-friendly printer to create the invitations. Okay perhaps not. Or you could petition the government to turn Earth Day into a stat holiday. That too may be a bit too extreme for most of us. Perhaps a simpler way to help the environment is to just tell friends and family about companies, like Epson, who are making an effort toward sustainability, creating technology that uses less plastic and consumes less energy. Even better when you save money at the same time as you do with an Epson printer!

Then tell your friends to read and follow these instructions and they might win one.

How to enter

Entering this contest is easy and you can enter in three different ways.

  1. In a comment below, tell us at least one innovative thing you do in your home to reduce waste and help the environment.
  2. In a comment beneath the review article for this printer on the blog, tell us two things mentioned in that article that you like about this printer.
  3. For two additional entries, create a public post on a social media channel sharing with your friends and followers that you are entering a Best Buy Blog contest for a chance to win an eco-friendly Epson EcoTank printer; include the hashtag #BestBuyEpsonContest, so we can find your post, and include a picture from this contest page. Then return here and tell us in a comment below on which channel you posted it and the name of your channel (since many people use pseudonyms) so that we can check and verify your entry. You can use any social media channel (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.), but the post must be public so we can verify it is there.

What you can win

At the end of this contest, we will randomly select one winner to receive a new Epson EcoTank Photo ET-8550 Wireless All-In-One Supertank Inkjet Printer.

This contest runs from April 12th to April 25th.

Remember you can enter in three different ways. Tell everyone you know about the joys of sustainable printing with an Epson EcoTank printer as a great way to celebrate Earth Day.

Win an Epson Ecotank Photo ET-8550 Wireless Supertank Printer Rules and Regulations

Good Luck

Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. We look for options that have less packaging when purchasing items and always have reusable bags. We have a composter for all our food waste. When we don’t need something anymore we look for new homes for them and reuse unwanted items as often as we can.

  2. Limit the amount of plastic and packaging we buy. Compost all our food waste and recycle and reuse unwanted items as often as we can.

  3. Buy food with less packaging, bring old batteries to batteries recycling depot and have my own compost bin in the backyard.

  4. We are adding raised gardens every year. We compost into our gardens. We go to a bulk store whenever possible to reuse containers for everything from shampoo to dish soap.

  5. recycle, reduce, reuse, repeat

    recycle – check what kind of things can be recycled

    reduce – avoid buying computer until it breaks down

    reuse – reuse store bought food containers as organization system

  6. I do not use plastic water bottles. Donate clothes rather than throw away. Recycle ass much as possible, especially plastic

  7. I recycle, re-use, shop responsibly, schedule shopping days for fewer trips, compost, use rain barrels for my gardens, and more.

  8. We plug in appliances to timers so should we forget to turn them off, it will turn off at designated time.

  9. We strive to not buy or use plastics and plastic packaging in order to reduce long lasting environmental waist

  10. We recycle plastics that come into our home. I am currently using takeaway containers to start our garden seedlings.

  11. We recycle everything as much as possible. Reduce water with a 4.8-liter tank. Reusable coffee cups. We use the coffee grounds in our garden. We drop off our used clothing, Linens, and furniture at Angel Ark Industries. We shop local and make our errands are taken together. I reuse leftover paper for my notes. Waste not want not.

  12. Two great features of this printer are
    Cartridge-free system uses 6 colours of ink you can refill with the included ink bottles
    Included ink bottles and replacement will give you 2 years’ worth of prints and capacity up to 6200 pages in colour

    Plus very environmentally smart by saving cartridge waste

  13. To reduce waste and help the environment I plant a garden. It’s not very big but I grow beans, carrots, tomatoes and onions. I’m going to give spaghetti squash a try this year. My little garden helps me to save money on gas to go shopping and transport costs for the stores.

  14. I recently had installed energy efficient doors front and back, and the end of the month we are having our furnace tuned up and duct work cleaned, we also practice Earth day every year and all year long and recycle.

  15. I recycle all that I can and I use paper on both sides for lists etc. I like the cartridge free model and that it uses cardstock up to 13″ x19″.

  16. we recycle everything we can from can , cardboard, clothing to many organizations, every 6 month we will empty the food items and give them to the needy. for Christmas I have wrapped up the gifts with newspaper (the kids thought it was awesome.

  17. I recycle hard plastics, other non flexible packaging, glass jars, cans, paper. I repurpose some of my used clothing.

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