An Amazon Kindle makes reading easier, anywhere. With a Kindle in your hand, the simple, wonderful experience of reading from a book is amplified due to enhanced simplicity, and a more thorough reading experience. You’ll read more often, in more places.  Enter for a chance to experience this yourself with the all-new Kindle.

Kindle changed reading forever

There were ereaders prior to 2007, but when the first Kindle was released that year reading was transformed. It was, and still is, light enough to hold in your hand for hours, easy to use, capable of holding a lot of books (thousands in today’s version), and versatile. Not only could you get the newest blockbuster, you could load it up with classics, with magazines, and more. Additionally, you could quickly look up unfamiliar words right on the device, and keep reading with a more thorough understanding.

Books are nice to have, but you can do a whole lot more with a Kindle. The all-new Kindle is aptly named. Use it anywhere—even in the dark thanks to its LED lit screen. It will “light a fire” within you to explore more literature than ever. We sent this ereader to Ted Kritsonis for his unbiased opinion. Watch his video review of the device, then read how to enter this contest for your chance to win the all-new Kindle.


Entering this contest is easy, but you can only enter once. As I said above, the all-new Kindle can light a fire within you to read more, in more places. So to enter this contest, I want you to tell us how many books you currently read each month, and how many you think you will read if you win this prize.


At the end of this contest we will select one winner from all eligible entries to receive the all-new Amazon Kindle.

This contest will run from Tuesday May 28th until Monday June 10th.

Remember you can only enter once. However, I’m sure you know someone else who would love to read more, in more place, using an Amazon Kindle. Share this contest so they too have a chance to win.

Win an Amazon Kindle Contest Rules and Regulations

Good Luck

We frequently have many contests running at Best Buy so check out the “contests in progress” page for more great contests to enter.
Martin Renaud
Editor in Chief
Martin loves working with the talented editors and writers on the Best Buy Blog as Editor-in-Chief. During his spare time he is either working on his next novel, cooking up a masterpiece in the kitchen, or adding some smart tech to his new home on Mayne Island in British Columbia.


  1. We are a family of book readers. My daughter reads daily and depending on the length of the book finishes them in a day. I like to read also. If I had an E reader I would always know were to look for the book I was reading.

  2. I read about 6 to 8 books a month and with a Kindle Reader in my purse I would read 8 to 10 books a month

  3. I love to read and with summer here I will read 2 to 4 books a week. With an Kindle Reader I will continue to read as many if not more.

  4. I usually read one or two books a month. I think using an Amazon Kindle I would read two or three.

  5. I currently read one book a month but if I won this sweet prize I would probably read five books a month! 😉

  6. I would gift the Kindle e-Reader to my teenage granddaughter. She has always been an avid reader and the e-reader would encourage her to continue reading into her adulthood.

  7. The reader would be for my daughter, she is reading a lot. I think that she read about 20 books a month, so i can’t imagine how many she would read with a E-reader

  8. I’m a great reader. I read about five or six books a month. With the Kindle I know I would read three or four more a month.

  9. I tend to read about 2 books a month and would double that with a new kindle as it would make reading new books easier.

  10. I read between 3 and 4 books a month and would perhaps read more if I had a Kindle as it is easier to carry around

  11. I read about four books each month. Winning this may allow me to read 5 books each month.

  12. I personally do not read any books but this would be a great gift for my elderly father-in-law

  13. Unfortunately I don’t read any books as I can’t find the time but with the Amazon Kindle ereader I would find the time

  14. I read three books a month, but I could see myself doubling that number with a Kindle.

  15. I read about 1 book a month. With a Kindle, I can see myself doubling that to two books a month!!

  16. My daughter reads 2-3 a month. It would be nice if I didn’t have to share my kindle with her.

  17. To even read one book per month is a chore for me. Possibly an Ereader will prompt to be more diligent in my reading

  18. I could read 2 or 3 books a WEEK but my ereader is getting sooo slow now, I coudl really use a new one. It’s frustrating to be constantly kicked out of what I’m reading and getting stuck on a page. I would love to win a new Amazon Kindle. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  19. I currently read about 8 books a month. I love the feature of being able to read in a darker place, so would hopefully get up to at least 10 books or more a month! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  20. My wife reads 24/7 and reads at least 4 books a month and would probably increase that to 6 with the Kindle Reader.

  21. Always depends on the book – but I do find big hardcovers take longer, so maybe this would help!

  22. I read 5 or 6 books a month. I would love to have an e-reader because they are easier to take with me than a book or books. I also like the idea of not having a pile of books to get rid of every so often. Thank you!

  23. I read a couple books of month, but with the reader I would probably read a couple more.

  24. As a mother of 2 young kids I only read about 1 book a month, but I think I would definitely read more if I won this!

  25. I have an ancient e-reader, so I’m lucky if I read one on it (pages are hard to advance, and the lighting is sub-optimal). In addition, though, I read a couple actual books. Total reading output would be bound to increase and maybe even double with a better e-reader.

  26. 1 book for each month . I find
    Time In between my full time
    Work schedule , to nourish my
    Mind and put Suspense/excitement on each book I read .

  27. I only read about a book a month but they typically are very large tomes. With an Amazon Kindle Ereader it will be much less onerous on my arms reading this extensive volumes.

  28. I usually read three books a month and would probably ready two more because it would be so convenient to carry around the Kindle.

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