The Elder Scrolls Online


Gather round ye fans of MMO’s, Fantasy RPG’s and The Elder Scrolls alike, for the convergence is nigh!  Or, put in english, The Elder Scrolls Online will be out in less than a week! It feels like the MMO space has been waiting for something to come along and redefine it, others have tried, and it might be that Bethesda and Zenimax are up to the job, they certainly have game development chops and a world that’s right for it. Exploring some new ways and means in the MMOsphere, we might just have the solution to your Massive Multiplayer Online blues, with The Elder Scrolls Online.

Ghostwire Tokyo review on PS5

Use your paranormal abilities to solve the sudden disappearance of virtually the entire population of Tokyo in Ghostwire Tokyo on PS5 from Bethesda.

E3 2015: Hands on with 2K Games’ incredible new IP, Battleborn

Today at E3 2015, I had the rare opportunity to visit the 2K booth to check out their upcoming new co-operative first-person shooter game Battleborn. It’s being developed by Gearbox, the creators of Borderlands, and if you like that franchise (there are millions who do!), then you just have to check out this game!

E3 2015: Sony unveils impressive line-up of titles for all types...

One thing was clear from watching Sony’s PlayStation E3 2015 Press Conference: they have games for everyone on the horizon. From action titles like Uncharted 4, to fighting games like Street Fighter V, to the incredible announcement that the most universally acclaimed role-playing game of all time—Final Fantasy VII—are all coming to PlayStation! 

E3 2014 – Top 10 Reasons Why the PlayStation 4 is...


In the wake E3, as gamers we got a big dose of information on our favorite things. I made a list in favor of the Xbox One, now its the PS4’s turn. With no less interesting content, and perhaps more, depending on your taste, Sony and the PlayStation 4 aren’t lacking for good reasons to head in their direction for your console needs. Have a look.

FORECLOSED reviewed on Stadia

FORECLOSED is a narrative-driven action-adventure game set in a Cyberpunk world filled with action, suspense and experimental augmentations.

Pre-Order Madden NFL 15 and get free Ultimate Team Content!


The longest running EA Sports franchise is back for edition #26! Madden Football is the first to officially kick off EA Sports Game season in August, and this year’s edition plans to give you a much more stabilized defensive system, recreated environments (on the next gen consoles) and more!  When you Pre-Order Madden 15, you’ll also get access to some free Ultimate Team content!  Read on to find out more.

Video games coming out in March 2016 you won’t want to...


Get ready for another huge month for video games with tons of highly anticipated titles coming to Best Buy stores and We’ve got games like Tom Clancy’s The Division, Mortal Kombat XL, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD all releasing in March, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Come check out the great games available very soon.

Another Code Recollection review on Nintendo Switch

Another Code Recollection on Nintendo Switch is an impressive remaster that brings back two beloved Nintendo classics in a whole new light.

E3 2014 – This Years Big Players


You ready? I certainly am. E3 time is fast approaching and its shaping up to be a good year. Fresh on the heels of the latest hardware generation there are a lot of folks clambering to make their case this year. Sony seems to have pulled ahead of Microsoft who have to make a big splash if they hope to make up the ground, and let’s not forget about Nintendo. While these two ‘Titans’ have clashed in the past, Nintendo have quietly switched things up before and changed gaming as they did. Regardless, there’s a lot of reasons to expect interesting things. Without further adieu, here is a list of some of the big players this year, and some of the cool stuff on display.