Review: The CronusMax lets you use cross controllers to different consoles!

It’s a neat concept – Using your Xbox One controller on your PS4, or maybe using your 360 controllers on your Xbox One. As one of the few people out there that still prefer the feel of the Xbox 360 controller to the Xbox One, I was a big fan of this idea as one of the few that prefer the feel of the 360 controller.  The CronusMax is just the device that lets you do that. Come take a look at this powerful little device that’s no bigger than a flash drive.

Why are the “Toys to Life” video games so popular?

You might never have heard the term “Toys to Life” but it’s the sub-category of the games your kids are asking you for: The Skylanders, the amiibo and the Disney Infinitys of the world. These games have taken flight over the last 3 years and have turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. In fact, the Skylanders franchise has moved so many games and figures over that period that it’s now one of the most profitable video gaming franchises in history.  What’s behind the appeal of these for not just kids, but adults too? Let’s take a look at some of the possibilities.

Review: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker pays respect to a forgotten genre

I’m a puzzle game nerd from a young age. I used to rent all the puzzle games I could get my hands on as a kid, and would spend hours in the summer borrowing my neighbour’s Game Boy puzzle carts. In the last decade or so, there haven’t been a lot of games out there that have interested in me, but Braid gave me hope that there was still good left in the puzzle-adventure genre. Nintendo’s Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is another title hoping to do that too.  Let’s take a look.

Review: LEGO Batman 3 goes outside Gotham City Limits into space!

LEGO Batman 2 was an interesting game to me.  It wasn’t the most polished title, but featured some of my favorite things in the series yet.  The first LEGO Batman was the first of the line of games I 100%’d, and I definitely remember the summer I spent (having recently been laid off from my job) disposing of baddies in between my job search.  The third game is here now, and I was hoping for a lot of the same.  Does it deliver?  Let’s take a look.

Assassin’s Creed: Unity, Revolution Under a Parisian Sky (and Co-op!)

Thanks to Ubisoft, Desmond Miles, and the Animus we’ve gotten to stab a lot of Templars over the years. Putting down evil schemes, righting wrongs, chatting with historical figures. It’s been pretty good.  Climbing as high as it was able on the last generation of hardware, the Assassin’s are ‘making the leap’ to the big boys, and brining more of everything with them. So grab some friends and lets go change the world (with Co-op), with Assassin’s Creed: Unity

It’s time to go Rogue – Assassin’s Creed: Rogue

A lot of us have taken part in an ages long struggle between two feuding powers, the Assassins and the Templars. Until now, its been all Assassin, with the Templars wearing the black hat, pulling the strings behind sinister acts through the ages, but is it really that cut and dried?  Time to find out. As a young Assassin with potential begins to wonder how altruistic the motives of his clan.  After being left for dead, shot in the back by his best friend, there’s not much else to do but cross the lines and go rogue, Assassin’s Creed: Rogue

Review: Tons of fun and portable too, Skylanders Trap Team Tablet...

  With any game franchise you’re going to want your game play to get bigger, better, brighter, and more fun with each go around. Skylanders Trap Team – Tablet edition delivers all that and more, and after giving it a good run though using my iPad and the Skylanders Trap Team Tablet Starter Pack, I’d say this is the most engaging Skylanders game yet.

GTA V – The Next Gen Release – New Gear, New...

The newest member of the GTA family, Grand Theft Auto 5 is a crazy smash hit.  So much to see and do, compelling characters, an online experience that, after some initial bumps, has critics praising its virtues… What’s left?  New hardware, that’s what!  Now for the PC, PS4, and XBox One, it’s no mere port, there’s a lot of new content, exclusive to the new release.

Review: Why Super Smash Bros for Nintendo Wii U is the...

Every Nintendo generation since the Nintendo 64 has had a Smash Bros game, and they’ve all been fan favourites so far. I didn’t play the Wii version, but really enjoyed the N64 and Gamecube games, and of course, the Nintendo 3DS one when it came out last month.  But, through all those, the Nintendo Wii U is the best one yet, and has to be right there for Wii U Game of the Year consideration.  Check it out.

Bringing Nintendo gaming alive like never before with amiibo

It was one of Nintendo’s most well received ideas of E3 2014 – The amiibo, a series of bite sized figurines for use with your Nintendo systems, and specifically for Super Smash Bros. They’re finally here, and they’re pretty neat to get into, so let’s take a look!