Review: Create, Explore and Imagine wildly with Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel...

Disney Infinity was a runaway success last year, so how do you capitalize while trying to make things even bigger and better for the next gens? How about inviting the Marvel Superheroes along for the party?  This year, Disney Interactive brings characters like Spider-Man, Thor and the Incredible Hulk into the fray, while introducing more of their own characters and playsets. Disney Infinity 2.0 might be one of the first games you consider grabbing the kids for the Holidays, and lucky for you, it’s available on pretty well every console.  Come take a look.

PlayStation TV packs a big punch in a little package

Launching at last later this month, the PlayStation TV is huge in capability, yet small in stature. This Pocket Sized standalone device has big potential, allowing you to use it to access many of Sony’s digital PlayStation services, along with acting as a remote play device for your PS4 on another TV.  Read on to find out more about this powerful, yet cost effective device.

Review – Destiny, a Next Generation Shooter Among the Stars

A new chapter in the history of the First-person Shooter, Destiny is the next game from game developer Bungie, who changed the world (or at least, the shooter) with their first big franchise, Halo. Created after seperating from Microsoft and forging their own path, costing (it’s rumored) upwards of 500 Million and countless man hours to produce, Destiny is a statement. Let’s find out what it is.

Review: Hyrule Warriors steps on new ground but respects tradition

Hyrule Warriors is a joint collaboration between the folks at Nintendo and KOEI Tecmo.  Meant to envision the Legend of Zelda’s characters mashed into the Dynasty Warriors style of gameplay, Hyrule Warriors takes your favourite characters into uncharactered territory, but does a good job doing it.  Come check out the latest in the Legend of Zelda universe.

Review: Killer Instinct Combo Breaker Pack is a blast from the...

I have a few lasting memories of all the hours of Killer Instinct I played as a kid: Firstly that Orchid was possibly the pound for pound easiest button mashing character in fight gaming until Eddy Gordo showed up in Tekken 3. Secondly was how demeaning and frustrating a combo breaker was!  On the 20th anniversary of the first Killer Instinct, the full first season is our for Xbox Live in disc form at a VERY reasonable price.  Come check out the Killer Instinct Combo Breaker Pack.

Fifa 15 – World Class Soccer Never Looked So Good

A global sport, Soccer (or Football, depending on where you live) has long been paired with another platform of universal acceptance and immersion, the video game.  From pixels of color crudely punting a block on a dimly rendered plain, to cutting edge in facial animations, ball physics, crowd reactions, you name it, the Sports Game is sitting pretty, and never more so than with Fifa 15. With 600 new animations, dynamic AI, increased competition on the pitch, and more, the ‘Beautiful Game’ has never looked better.

Review: NHL 15 is an enigma in 2014 sports gaming


Ask gamers about NHL 15 and you’ll get one of two answers: “It’s great because it’s the hockey game we’ve been waiting for” or “I can’t believe it’s missing so much.” The camps will probably remain pretty divided, but the fact of the matter is, if you’re in it for the traditional hockey gaming experience, NHL 15 provides it and more. It is, in fact, a good hockey gamer’s game. Read on to find out more.

Introducing ‘amiibo’ – Nintendo’s answer to Infinity and Skylanders


I think I smell this holiday season’s ‘big deal’.  New in a market that hasn’t even had a chance to grow old, Nintendo is stepping into the ‘toys as video games’ realm, alongside current residents Infinity and Skylanders. Did you’re mind just ponder the possibilities?  Perhaps you’ve got the perfect place just asking to be filled with delightful Nintendo characters that will also enter video games and do your bidding? Me too. It’s amiibo, it’s Nintendo, it’s figurines that play in the game, and it’s probably going to have your children pestering you incessantly as we march steadily on toward December.

Goro lives…as you when you Pre-Order Mortal Kombat X!


The term “Goro Lives…as you!” was originally coined back in 1993 when Mortal Kombat came out for the Game Boy and he was a hidden character. With a very limited moveset and possibly the pound for pound worst graphics, it was still the first taste you had of this legendary monster. Well, Goro’s back, and he’s your bonus if you pre-order Mortal Kombat X!  Find out all the details about obtaining him by clicking onward.

Destiny – The Next Generation Shooter


They changed the gaming world and began a revolution that would see video game titles top the biggest box office showings that Hollywood could muster. Years and many Halo games later, Bungie announced something new. Though it’s exact impact remains to be seen, Shooting things in the First Person hasn’t been this compelling in a very long time. It’s Destiny, and its the next big thing in gaming.