What you should do if the screen cracks on your phone

We've all seen it (or done it): the sad conundrum of a cracked smartphone screen. Here's how to fix one, or how to prevent the issue altogether.

Review: Homido VR helps you escape to a whole new reality


 The next transformational leap in gaming and entertainment is already here. Virtual Reality or VR is the idea of creating digital virtual spaces that we can immerse ourselves into, exploring digital worlds just like the way we would explore the real world. Homido has a smart and simple way to experience VR anywhere using something you’ve probably got on you right now: your smartphone. Want to learn more?

Review: LG 360 Cam sees the world in 180- or 360-degrees


 Shooting photos or video in 360-degrees is a unique proposition that has only become readily available to consumers in the last few years. Prior to that, it was either expensive or out of reach, and few options to display the content anyway. The LG 360 Cam is a pocket-sized camera that can shoot in 180- or 360-degrees, and works with any Android phone, not just LG’s models.

What you should do if your iPhone’s home button no longer...


As any longtime iPhone owner knows, these slick Apple products are not without their faults. Much like an adorable purebred puppy, Apple iPhones have problems that their phones are prone to developing. The most common of the bunch is a broken home button, but luckily enough, this isn’t an insurmountable problem!

Smartphone cases for protection and peace of mind


 I love a smartphone case that’s made for those with a passion for fashion. But most days, I need something with a little more heft–something that’ll put up with me dropping it on the curb side, spilling a glass of water on it, or accidentally pushing it off a bookcase (sadly, all things that have happened to my iPhone over the past two weeks.)  

Review: WeBoost Eqo Boost should amp up your cell reception


 If you find that cellular reception is a problem in your home or office, then the Eqo Boost from WeBoost may be the solution you’re looking for. Dropped calls, or parking yourself in one spot near a window to get a reliable connection for phone calls can be a frustrating experience, especially when you feel powerless to do anything about it.

Review: Leef iAccess boosts your iPhone’s memory [VIDEO]

 The dreaded “Can’t take photo. There is not enough storage space” message is history on my iPhone thanks to Leef iAccess. It’s a small, easy to use microSD reader that you can attach and leave on your phone to expand your memory up to 128 GB, and it’s the perfect summer accessory for anyone who wants the freedom to use their phone without storage issues. 

Tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts

     Hacking into mobile accounts is all over the news these days, with either cyber criminals compromising consumer data, or the FBI wanting to break into criminals’ phones for evidence. Security is on everyone’s minds and you should be thinking about it, too. Your first line of defence for any mobile account, of course, is a solid and strong password. So, stop using “password” or your cat’s name, and read on for a few tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts.

What you should do if you lose your phone

 Smartphones are more than cool tech toys and tools. For many of us, they are a lifeline to our personal and work lives, an extension of our brains which have our schedules, contacts, photos, videos and music that’s close to our hearts. Here are the steps to take if you lose your phone.

Review: LG G5 looks to change how smartphones work

In some respects, LG has nothing to lose. Quietly building momentum with the previous two flagship smartphone iterations, the G3 and G4, the G5 has turned the company’s previous efforts on their heads. Having embraced an all-metal body for the phone, the design philosophy swerves dramatically to make it modular, too. Not only is the battery removable, but the idea is to enhance the phone’s features with hardware add-ons.