360fly 4K camera review

Great images will always look great in 2D, but when you can shoot from a 360-degree point of view, the perspective changes. That’s because the perspective is entirely interactive, letting you move or pan the image in any direction to get a different angle. The 360fly 4K is a 360 camera that captures the world that way, and is made to do it in rugged situations.

What is the best camera to receive as a gift?

Which camera is every photography enthusiast hoping to receive this year? Find out as we look at some of the hottest models in stock.

5 situations where a cell phone is not your best camera...

For many people, the smartphone has become the camera of choice, but there are a number of situations in which the smartphone won't be able to capture the scene as you wish it could.

Best Waterproof Cameras for 2016

Do you have a beach vacation planned for the holiday season, and want to make sure you get the best snorkeling and surfing pics possible? Or are you simply looking for a great gift for your budding photographer? Either way, I cover some of the Best Waterproof Cameras for 2016 in my latest article.

Best compact cameras for travel

Ready to get a head start on your holiday list? Here's how to pick out the perfect travel camera for the season.

How 360-degree cameras take your photos and video full circle

Digital photography hasn’t been around that long, but it’s changed a lot in a short time. From point-and-shoot cameras, to DSLRs, to smartphones, to drones, and now to 360-degree cameras, the ability to capture images has literally gone full circle. Shooting a place or an experience with a full, spherical point of view looks to grow in popularity in tandem with the emergence of VR (virtual reality).

Coolest Cameras For Capturing Holiday Memories

With Christmas just around the corner, now is a great time to start looking at some of the awesome cameras available at BestBuy.ca

Become A Better Photographer: Find Your Light Source

People are taking so many photographs nowadays, somewhere in the region of a trillion a year. But are we actually becoming better photographers? Today I'll give a simple piece of advice to help you find your inner photographer.

There’s A Sony Cybershot for Every Occasion

The Sony Cybershot range of cameras comprises some of the most versatile cameras you could hope to find. Whether you’re photographing wild animals on safari, street scenes, sports, portraits or nature, there’s a Cybershot camera that’s perfect for you.

Become A Better Photographer: Turn Off The Preview

Because we can review our images immediately on our cameras nowadays, photographers can get into a bad habit of spending too much time looking at the LCD screen. But there is an easy way to help break that habit.