Simple Cooking Tips for a Special Diet — Low Fat...

Low-fat, no-fat, healthy fat, too much fat, trans fat-free? “What do you mean?” as my fellow Canadian, Justin Bieber, would say. I conclude my four part series on special diet with low fat cooking or ways to limit the fat intake. 

What you should do to protect your phone’s photos and video

People took more than one trillion photos in 2015 and most of them used smarpthones. Mobile devices have always offered convenience with buit in cameras, but now they have great quality including features like HDR, RAW photo shooting and even Ultra HD and 4K video shooting. The big question is what to do with all these photos and videos.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Go green with Vegetable Smoothies


It’s no surprise people can’t seem to squeeze in their recommended daily fruit & vegetable intakes – busy lives mean dinner on the go, and dinner on the go doesn’t often include one vegetable let alone three. And no, in most circles, french fries are not considered a serving of vegetables.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Summer Salads as a Meal

 You can prepare delicious side salads to go with any vegan BBQ. Or you can serve a hearty salad as a meal, by loading it up with lots of different proteins (just not meat, chicken, or fish) and other ingredients such as quinoa and rice.

What you should do if you plan on selling or giving...

Smartphones are some of the easiest items to resell or pass down to friends or family. Even if they are no longer the latest, greatest models, they are still functional for calling, messaging and running apps. Here’s how to prepare for the turnover.

How to use your PC to keep in touch with your...

My wife was away at a conference last week and as she FaceTimed us to show the kids the view from her hotel room and then each evening to check in on their day at school, it really hit home how much we can make use of technology to keep in touch with our distant loved ones. And it’s not just when travelling or special occasions. When I think about it, the computers in our home have become the hub of interaction with distant relatives and friends. This connection has gone far beyond what a telephone ever offered, and by taking advantage of those capabilities a PC can help to make long distance relationships feel like personally interacting with someone on a daily basis.

Keep Your New Year’s Resolution to Become More Active

When making your New Year’s Resolutions (let’s face it people: whether you say the word ‘resolution’ or not, it still is), there are things to keep in mind when making them. Here is a list of tips to help you keep that New Year’s Resolution to become more active.

New Year’s Resolution: Be Prepared for Emergencies

Emergencies can happen at any time. Some emergencies are more serious than others, but all emergencies have one thing in common—they all call for action! Whether it’s an earthquake (like this week in Vancouver), a major snowstorm, a physical injury, a broken down vehicle, or an untimely power outage, there’s no reason in the world why you can’t be prepared for it. So, when you’re making your 2016 new year’s resolutions, why not resolve to be prepared for anything? 

Shelly’s Friday Favourite presents Traditional Christmas Sugar Cookies

Today on Shelly’s Friday Favourites, I’m going to share my favourite sugar cookie recipe with you and show you how easy it is to decorate these cookies. If you get overwhelmed by roll out cookies because they’re too sticky or they don’t turn out right, you’ll love this recipe. The dough is light, fluffy, and rolls out like a dream.

Summer desserts you can make with your kids – Shelly’s Friday...


I love heat and sunshine, but I still think summer desserts are one of the best parts of summer. Because we’re celebrating my daughter’s elementary school graduation this weekend, I’ve been in the kitchen with kids and up to my elbows in summer desserts. Here’s what’s been chilling out in my kitchen this week.