How to set up your PC to work from home


Working from home is an increasingly popular trend. Doing so saves on office space, commute time and many of the expenses of having a team working in a centralized building. It can also be an attractive option for employees. I worked from home on a part-time basis for a decade and switched to full-time over five years ago —I can’t even picture going back to a traditional office. But if you’re going to make this work, you have to take it seriously (it’s not all coffee on the deck and hanging out with the dogs) and your PC is a central component. I’ve put together suggestions on how to set up your PC to work from home.

Tips for getting the most from your mini projector

Mini projectors are amazing works of technology, but they're not the same as full-sized projectors. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your mini!

Photography Tips: When To Upgrade Your Equipment

Today we’re going to give you some advice on how invest in new camera equipment wisely. We’ll help you make choices that will empower you to do things that are beyond the scope of your current setup, rather than just buying new stuff for the sake of it.

Like honey? Add some honey to everything this week on Shelly’s...

Sometimes I need a reminder that there’s something in my pantry I haven’t used for a while, and that’s what happened when I saw that I missed National Honey month last month. If you’ve ever tried honey on your burger or as part of your pancakes, read on to find out what you can do with honey.

How to edit smartphone photos on your phone

Smartphones are supercomputers with multi-core processors, superb graphics capabilities, and vivid touchscreens, which makes them ideal for digital editing and retouching.

How-to clean out your washer and dryer

Cleaning your washer and dryer regularly will ensure your appliances are running at their full potential, and will probably save you money on your electric bill too. There will be less having to re-wash laundry and shorter drying time. Read on to see how you can keep both your washer and dryer clean.

Tips to make switching from Android to iPhone a breeze

If you’re looking to move from an Android smartphone to a new iPhone, it is a lot easier than you think.

How-to clean a stainless steel fridge


 I love the look of a stainless steel fridge, and while they do need a good wipe down every day, they are so easy to keep clean overall. Read on for some great tips for keeping your stainless steel fridge looking shiny and new.

Tips for setting up the perfect dorm room

It's almost time to head back to school, so let me give you tips for setting up the perfect dorm room.

Become A Better Photographer: Find Your Light Source

People are taking so many photographs nowadays, somewhere in the region of a trillion a year. But are we actually becoming better photographers? Today I'll give a simple piece of advice to help you find your inner photographer.