Plan the perfect Valentine’s Day Dinner – Shelly’s Friday Favourites

Maybe your perfect Valentine’s Day is just you and your special someone. Perhaps instead you’d like to include a group of friends in your Valentine’s Day plans. Whichever you choose, here are some recipes you can use to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner at home.

Cyber safety tips for you and your smartphone

When you think of cybersecurity or cyber safety, are you more likely to think of hackers targeting big corporations or governments rather than your own personal vulnerability. The wide open world of cyberspace is something you regularly interact with every time you browse a website, click a link, post on social media and chat online. But your online risk extends beyond those things because you can leave behind a digital footprint without realizing it, or expose your data in ways you didn’t intend to. This article is part of a series of articles that my Plug-in Blog colleagues and I are publishing over the next few weeks offering helpful tips and information about many topics related to cybersecurity. Today I will explore personal smartphone security.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Quinoa Salad Recipes everyone will love


Where I grew up, we didn’t have ‘food trends.’ Everything we ate was simple, basic, and comfortable – from roast beef and mashed potatoes to chili and mashed potatoes. If we were going to spice things up, maybe we’d have spaghetti or pizza.   So imagine my surprise when the person who did all of the cooking during my formative years, the woman who actually served me lasagna and mashed potatoes (I’m not joking), called me up and started talking to me about quinoa. And she wasn’t just calling for a definition of what quinoa is either – she was talking about her long list of personal quinoa salad recipes. I almost dropped the phone in shock. After all, quinoa doesn’t include ground beef or mashed potatoes in the ingredient list, so this was quite a detour.

Strawberries, peaches, and blueberries for dessert – Shelly’s Friday Favourites


Strawberries, peaches, blackberries, and blueberries – those little gems of the fruit family are nutritious on their own, but when you bake them up and wrap them in buttery crust or turn them into an icy-cool summer dessert? That’s when summer really kicks off at my house.

Student tech tips: your mobile device is a mobile scanner

No one can dispute the convenience and multifunctional nature of today’s mobile devices. Smartphones, phablets and tablets have all the necessary hardware and a wide range of software features to be able to serve as scanners, presentation remotes and efficient extensions of your desktop or notebook.

2016 super foods for a new year: this week on Shelly’s...

Have you heard? Souping is the new juicing for 2016. Here are a few other super foods you’ll be seeing this year, and 3 great souping recipes to kick off a healthier year.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: 5 Dinner Recipes Using a Muffin Pan

The saying goes, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Don’t judge a muffin pan to only make muffins. We’ve posted the most amazing breakfast meals you can make with a muffin pan. Now, it’s time to talk dinner. New ideas can help shake up the menu of the week, plus it’ll make it easier to serve your entire family and any uninvited guests. Here are my five favorite dinner ideas using a muffin pan.

Cord-cutting 101: How to get rid of cable TV

Cable TV is no longer a necessity. Here's a guide to help you get rid of cable TV in order to see even more of the content that you love!

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Planning a Christmas Cookie Exchange

This week on Shelly’s Friday Favourites: a guest post! I’m Erin, and most of my articles are about home theatre and televisions, but today Shelly asked me to write about an event I participate in each year: a Cookie Exchange. 

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Go green with Vegetable Smoothies


It’s no surprise people can’t seem to squeeze in their recommended daily fruit & vegetable intakes – busy lives mean dinner on the go, and dinner on the go doesn’t often include one vegetable let alone three. And no, in most circles, french fries are not considered a serving of vegetables.