10 seriously uncool Mother’s Day gifts this year

 A few days ago, we delved into some great mother’s day gift giving ideas. On the flip side, there are some terrible and very impersonal gifts you could get mom this year. With many years of previous bad gift giving, I have some advice to pass along. Please read about 10 seriously uncool Mother’s Day gifts this year.

Tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts

     Hacking into mobile accounts is all over the news these days, with either cyber criminals compromising consumer data, or the FBI wanting to break into criminals’ phones for evidence. Security is on everyone’s minds and you should be thinking about it, too. Your first line of defence for any mobile account, of course, is a solid and strong password. So, stop using “password” or your cat’s name, and read on for a few tips for creating the best password for your mobile accounts.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: not your average BBQ recipes

 I’m excited because BBQ season is almost here. I live in the East and we’ve finally been receiving warm weather. Barbequing is on my mind. I’m dreaming about it. But I don’t want to give you another article about putting hot dogs or burger patties on the grill. Nope. Those can be store bought. These recipes will turn you into an epic BBQ chef. Becoming an epic chef requires being fearless and open to crafting food in an unconventional way. Are you ready?    

What you should do if you lose your phone

 Smartphones are more than cool tech toys and tools. For many of us, they are a lifeline to our personal and work lives, an extension of our brains which have our schedules, contacts, photos, videos and music that’s close to our hearts. Here are the steps to take if you lose your phone.

Photography Tips: Advanced Lighting Techniques

   Today we’re going to look at some advanced lighting techniques to help you create amazing photographs in situations where the light is less than ideal.

Why running a home-based business is easier now than ever

 Are you looking to start a home-based business, but are worried about what it all entails, and more importantly, how much it will cost? While once it may have been quite an investment to create your own work environment in your abode, today, thanks to better and more inexpensive tech, running a home-based business is easier now than ever.

Make Your Outdoor Space More Functional

   In many parts of Canada, patio season is coming fairly soon. In others (namely BC), it’s already a! If you enjoy sitting out on your deck relaxing, barbecuing, shooting the breeze with friends, listening to music, or whatever, click on through for a few ideas on how to make your outdoor space more functional. With some of the ideas you’ll find here drawing you outside, you may never want to enter your home again!

How To Connect Chromecast & Chromecast Audio To Your AV Receiver

The options for streaming audio and video at home are increasing rapidly. For those of us who are home theatre fanatics, a critical feature will be an ability to connect streaming devices to the heart of our systems, our AV Receivers. Let’s take a look at how to capitalize on your home theatre investment and leverage streaming technology with Google Chromecast and Chromecast Audio.

Dishwashers explained: how to load your dishwasher

Everyone loads their dishwasher differently, but there’s a set way you can load your dishwasher to get the cleanest dishes. Here’s how to load your dishwasher for sparkling dishes every time.

Easy and delicious summer salads: This week on Shelly’s Friday Favourites

With warmer spring and summer days, who wants to be stuck in the kitchen cooking big meals? One way to make quick, light and delicious meals is to make salads into a meal. Here are some great recipes to please even the picky eaters in your home.