Shelly’s Friday Favourites: not your average BBQ recipes

 I’m excited because BBQ season is almost here. I live in the East and we’ve finally been receiving warm weather. Barbequing is on my mind. I’m dreaming about it. But I don’t want to give you another article about putting hot dogs or burger patties on the grill. Nope. Those can be store bought. These recipes will turn you into an epic BBQ chef. Becoming an epic chef requires being fearless and open to crafting food in an unconventional way. Are you ready?    

Shelly’s Friday Favourites: Summer Salads as a Meal

 You can prepare delicious side salads to go with any vegan BBQ. Or you can serve a hearty salad as a meal, by loading it up with lots of different proteins (just not meat, chicken, or fish) and other ingredients such as quinoa and rice.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Quinoa Salad Recipes everyone will love


Where I grew up, we didn’t have ‘food trends.’ Everything we ate was simple, basic, and comfortable – from roast beef and mashed potatoes to chili and mashed potatoes. If we were going to spice things up, maybe we’d have spaghetti or pizza.   So imagine my surprise when the person who did all of the cooking during my formative years, the woman who actually served me lasagna and mashed potatoes (I’m not joking), called me up and started talking to me about quinoa. And she wasn’t just calling for a definition of what quinoa is either – she was talking about her long list of personal quinoa salad recipes. I almost dropped the phone in shock. After all, quinoa doesn’t include ground beef or mashed potatoes in the ingredient list, so this was quite a detour.

Craving comfort food? Fall recipes to warm you up this weekend...

The air outside is crisp and cool, so if you’re in the mood to warm up in the kitchen with some fall recipes, here are a few great comfort foods you can try this weekend.

Shelly’s Friday Favourites – Survive Daylight Savings Time


The switch to Daylight Savings time is upon us again, and as of 2 am Sunday, March 9th, we’ll be springing forward by 60 minutes. Not all of Canada participates in the Daylight Savings ritual, with Saskatchewan being the main exception as they observe Central Standard Time all year round.   Some people don’t notice the switch all that much, others will flat out tell you ‘It sucks.’ It doesn’t matter which camp you’re in, because it’s coming whether we like it or not. So how do you survive the transition to Daylight Saving time?

Shelly’s Friday Favorites does Spring BBQing

      Spring is finally here, and on the West coast we’ve been blessed with gorgeous weather earlier than usual, so my mind has already turned to BBQ season. I know I’m not the only one out there grilling early this year because I can smell the all too familiar BBQ smell coming from my neighbours as well.

Health(ier) Popsicle Recipes You Can Make At Home


 Feelin’ hot, hot, hot? It’s summer, so embrace the heat. If you live in the East, you know you have to because winter isn’t fun. But you guys on the West Coast, with your scaled-down version of “winter,” should also appreciate the warmer weather. Save

Everything’s coming up bacon – Shelly’s Friday Favourites


If you’re aching for bacon like the rest of the population, you have to see these creative (and crazy) ways to get your bacon fix:

Shelly’s Friday Favourites makes holiday cupcakes

Holiday cupcakes are delicious, and because they look so cute, they'll be the most popular treat on the holiday buffet table.

Bake your way to a great date night with the one...

Summer is here and if you need some ideas for a fun summer date, I’ve got a great summer date night idea for you: summer make or bake nights are the perfect way to spend quality time with the one you love.